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  • 1.
    Arcas Noguera, Cristina
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Viral Voices. Digital storytelling, women and HIV in Podcast Positivos: Mujeres VIHvas project2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Despite being considered as the most social infection, there is little data on HIV infection in women. Women have not been considered beyond their reproductive role as subjects with a sexuality that transcends the historical mandate of biological reproduction, maintaining a secondary role in the infection. At the same time, society seems to have forgotten that the infection is still present.

    This thesis explores the voice of a group of positive women who, with their stories and through the digital narrative, will challenge the discourses that are established as hegemonic. In order to illustrate the potential of new tools as digital storytelling to disrupt and challenge the hegemonic herstory around women with HIV, the starting point for this thesis is Podcast Positivos: Mujeres VIHvas project.

    Engaging with the theories of intersectionality, performativity and cyborg, it will be argued the use of language, voice and the role of listening. Phenomenological research and narrative discourse analysis will be applied as methodologies to, on the one hand, address the experience of HIV as an important dimension in women's lives and, on the other hand, use their stories as a way to understand the meaning of those experiences.

    This thesis also discusses the creation of a cyber self, a viralized voice that is introduced into the already institutionalized podcast platform, to construct, deconstruct and challenge silences. Further, this thesis calls for an effort to listen, feel and write the stories of resistance of positive women and to put them into conversation within feminist academic debates.

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  • 2.
    Biricik, Alp
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hearn, JeffLinköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    GEXcel Work in Progress Report Volume VI: Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 2: Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities Conference 27– 29 April 20092009Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The contributions to this volume are the result of the activities carried out within the frame of GEXcel’s second research theme, Deconstruct- ing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities. The authors were among the presenters at the GEXcel Conference ‘Men and Masculinities, Mov- ing On! Embodiments, Virtualities, Transnationalisations’ held on 27th– 29th April, 2009 (see Appendix). Some of the conference presentations will be published in GEXcel Work-in-Progress Report VII. This volume is of a work-in-progress character, and thus the texts presented here are to be elaborated further. The reader should also be aware that, as this is a report of working papers, some minor editorial modifications have been made to some papers, but the language of those contributed by non-native speakers of English has not been specifically revised.

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  • 3.
    Cirkelyte, Audrone
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Humor as a Mirroring Self- Reflection: A Case study of a subversive Deaf Humor Aiming the Spotlight at the Hearing Majority2020Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Humor builds the ground to share the common and the uncommon, to ease the uneasiness, to laugh at oneself and the other. It is amusing and rebellious, revealing the obvious from the obscure and challenging the unchallenged. The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine the subversive humor use within Deaf communities, centered around the hearing society, as well as to explore subversive humor’s role in reinforcing the Deaf identity and resisting the often assigned otherness. Taken the form of a case study this thesis analyses two examples: a short film The Kiss, produced by Charlie Swinbourne and the series of graphical drawings from Tais, created by Alícia Sort Leal. Using visual analysis and close reading as analytical methods as well as classical (Superiority, Incongruity, Relief) and contemporary (Reversal) humor theories, this thesis provides an insight into reflective and mirroring effects of humor.

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    Humor as a Mirroring Self- Reflection
  • 4.
    Elmqvist, Ann-Marie
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    En debatt om kollektivhus i det tidiga 1930-talet: Den gifta kvinnan möter moderniteten2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats handlar om en debatt, som fördes i en brytningstid, då den gifta kvinnans rätt till yrkesarbete ifrågasattes. Ett funktionalistiskt förslag om kollektivhus, där hushållsarbetet och en del av barnavården skulle skötas av kollektivt anställd personal, avsåg att underlätta kvinnans yrkesarbete. Den gällande normen förutsatte, att den gifta kvinnan var hemarbetande och mannen försörjare. Debatten kom att kretsa kring hustruns plikter mot familjen och barnens liv i det kollektiva huset. Här stod bevarare av traditionen mot anhängare av ett nytt familjemönster.

    Syftet har varit att fokusera anhängare och motståndare och analysera deras argument och strategier. Analysen har skett mot bakgrund av den pågående moderniseringsprocessen och den modernitet, som innebar nya livsvillkor för kvinnan och familjen. Yvonne Hirdmans genuskontraktsteori med endast ett dominerande husmoderskontrakt under mellankrigstiden diskuteras och ifrågasätts.

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  • 5.
    Engman, Kerstin
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Kvinnor i spetsen: Kvinnokultur och klasstillhörighet2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Arbetet med textilier går som en röd tråd genom kvinnors historia, och den textila kunskapen ingår i kvinnlig tradition och kvinnlig kultur.Vadstena med omnejd har under århundraden varit centrum för knyppling. Här knypplade man inte bara för husbehov, utan försäljning av knypplade alster utgjorde ofta ett viktigt bidrag till hushållet. Knyppling och knypplad spets kan främst förknippas med tre områden. Här återfinns själva knypplingen och knypplerskorna, försäljningen via förläggare och spetsgångare, och till sist de som köpte alstren.

    Knyppling har både en kulturell och social historia. Det finns mycket litet dokumenterat kring de kvinnor som producerade knypplade spetsar. I de flesta böcker om knyppling är knypplerskorna i stort sätt anonyma, och de flesta källor tiger still om den stora gruppen av knypplande kvinnor. Med tanke på den betydelse som knyppling haft för Vadstena med omnejd så är det något av en paradox att de människor som varit sysselsatta med hantverket i stort sätt är okända för oss. Mycket kvinnoarbete har utförts i hemmen och därmed fått en stämpel av anonymitet, och därför har kvinnornas liv och levnadsöden inte dokumenterats. I uppsatsen belyses frågor om klasstillhörighet för knypplerskor, spetsgångare och förläggare och vilka relationer som fanns mellan grupperna. Vilken betydelse arbetet med textilt arbete haft socialt, kulturellt och ekonomiskt belyses även , liksom hur man från feministiskt håll sett på kvinnor och textilt arbete

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  • 6.
    Ferrante, Bianca
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    “I Was Starting From an Ideal That Was Too High, That's Why the Fall Was So Strong”.: Interviewing women in Italy to understand how the social conception of (non) motherhood affects the choice to become (or not) a mother.2022Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Motherhood is stereotypically considered one of the main characteristics every woman has. It’s congenital, something that naturally belongs to women and that, because of that, represents one of the main and necessary ways to really complete the path of womanhood. You fulfill your being a woman by being a mother. Therefore, if you do not become a mother, you are also seen as only for half woman, pitied or judged as selfish and arid for that.The research has the purpose to analyze how this social conception of motherhood and non- motherhood affects women’s choice to become mothers in Italy. Through qualitative interviewing and a feminist phenomenological perspective, 6 women (both mothers and childless) who are currently living in Italy reported their experience.It was thus feasible to observe how the influence of social conception of motherhood and non- motherhood manifests itself (1), the role played by the so-called “natural instinct” in it (2) and the way in which a reflection on the choice of becoming or not mothers was developed (3). In conclusion, it was also possible to frame how social change can be promoted in this field and recognize the importance that education and learning have in it.

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  • 7.
    Florén, Charlotte
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Kvinnorörelsen: Samspelet mellan kön och klass i 70-talets kvinnorörelse och Feministiskt initiativ2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Gunilla Thorgren beskriver i sin bok Grupp 8 & jag hur det var att komma in i Grupp 8, en akademiskt präglad miljö, som för henne framstod som en främmande värld till att börja med.1 Jag läste boken och började fundera över det faktum att det var akademiker som arbetade för en förbättring av arbetarklasskvinnornas tillvaro. Jag ville veta hur det kom sig att det var på det sättet. Vilken inställning hade 70-talets kvinnorörelse till arbetarklassens kvinnor och var arbetarkvinnorna själva överhuvudtaget aktiva i sammanhanget? Det kan också vara intressant att undersöka hur klassperspektivet ser ut i dagens kvinnorörelse med Feministiskt initiativ som en relativt ny organisation i det svenska samhället. Jag bestämde mig för att söka svaren hos medlemmarna själva för att få veta vilka likheterna och skillnaderna är i fråga om klass hos 70-talets kvinnorörelse och Feministiskt initiativ.

    Jag tror att en viktig anledning till att jag blev nyfiken på detta är min egen klasstillhörighet. Jag växte upp i en arbetarfamilj och har själv arbetat med monteringsarbeten inom industrin. Det enda som kan sägas ha anknytning till ett medelklassliv för min del är mina universitetsstudier. De utgör dock en begränsad del av mitt liv och har inte påverkat min uppfattning om var jag känner mig hemma. Under arbetet med den här uppsatsen har det blivit tydligt för mig att klass spelar roll i kampen för kvinnofrigörelse, dels genom den litteratur jag har läst, men även p.g.a. att jag mer än en gång har frågat mig själv om jag får lov att kalla mig feminist då jag upptäckt att när klassintressen och feministiska intressen kolliderar väljer jag inte alltid att sätta feminismen i första rummet. Den här uppsatsen ger en inblick i hur kön och klass samspelar i kvinnorörelsens feministiska arbete.

    I uppsatsens inledningskapitel tar jag upp syfte och frågeställningar, presenterar mitt material och mina informanter och ger en bild av den tidigare forskningen på området. Inledningskapitlet innehåller också en metoddiskussion samt en beskrivning av begreppet intersektionalitet. Därefter följer ett bakgrundskapitel där 70-talets kvinnorörelse och Feministiskt initiativ presenteras. Det tredje kapitlet utgörs av informanternas utsagor samt en analys av dessa. Uppsatsen avslutas med ett kapitel där jag sammanfattar mina slutsatser och för en avslutande diskussion.

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  • 8.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Work and Working Life. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Att förvalta arv men ändå utvecklas2011In: Rum och rörelse: Vänbok till Forum för genusvetenskap och jämställdhet / [ed] Stina Backman, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2011, p. 121-136Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Forum för genusvetenskap och jämställdhet gick in i ett nytt skede i sin utveckling den 1 januari 2009. Grundutbildningen i genusvetenskap övergick till Tema Genus, den starka forskningsmiljön för genusvetenskap vid Linköpings universitet (LiU). Forum fick en ny instruktion, ny föreståndare och kort därefter ny logotyp. I det här kapitlet fokuseras det ”nya Forum”, närmare bestämt det nya uppdraget och några exempel på hur detta satt spår i verksamheten. I föregående mening placerades ”nya Forum” inom citationstecken eftersom delar av Forums verksamhet är sig väldigt lika från tidigare år. Samtidigt har verksamheten förändrats då vissa inslag intelängre finns kvar medan andra har tillkommit. I beskrivningen diskuteras också hur Forum förhåller sig till relationen mellan genusvetenskap och jämställdhet och de pågående akademiska diskussionerna om just denna relation.

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    Att förvalta arv men ändå utvecklas
  • 9.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna
    Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Learning in Working Life and Educational Settings. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Equality, Growth and Sustainability: Do They Mix?2010Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The conference Equality, Growth and Sustainability – Do They Mix? was made possible through initiatives, joint efforts and collaboration between actors representing JÄMI, VINNOVA, FAS, Thematic Group on Equality, NIKK, Tema Genus and Forum for Gender Studies and Equality at Linköping University.

    The conference created an opportunity for academics, practitioners as well as policy makers to meet and discuss if and how questions of equality, growth and sustainability can be reconciled in organisations and implemented in general practice. 15 years after the Beijing Platform for  Action the conference provided academics, policy makers and practitioners with an international and interdisciplinary forum for exchange.

    The purpose was to explore and disseminate knowledge and experiences on gender equality, gender mainstreaming, diversity management, growth and sustainability, inclusion and equal opportunities. The ambition was to discuss these key concepts and issues from an intersectional perspective, and in theory and practice, in order to rethink and find new ways to move on. The conference provided new research results, policy discussions and presented new ideas on how to advance the practical and theoretical work through collaborative/joint ventures between academia and society.

    The conference consituted a mix of presentations and discussions with the 165 participants, from all over the world. The interactive conference format contained eight interactive workshops and eleven parallell paper sessions, see appendix. The paper sessions contained academic paper presentetions while the workshops offered forums for listening practioners’ presentations and taking part in discussions.

    The four key note speakers, as well as the concluding panel, addressed and discussed the conference topics from their view points as policy makers, researchers and/or practitioners. Key note speakers included Ms Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission; Mieke Verloo, Professor of Comparative Politics and Inequality Issues at Radboud University Nijmegen; Jeff Hearn, Professor in Gender Studies with a focus on critical studies on men at Linköping university and Tryggvi Hallgrimsson from the Center of Gender Equality, Iceland.

    The workshop was hosted by Linköping University´s Forum for Gender Studies and Equality.

    Funding was provided by JÄMI at Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems/VINNOVA, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research/FAS, Thematic Group on Equality, Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Linköping University, Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions/SALAR/SKL, and Wenner-Gren Foundations.

    The majority of the paper authors have chosen to contribute to this document, which presents the proceedings from the conference.

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    Equality, Growth and Sustainability : Do They Mix?
  • 10.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Frangeur, Renee
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Samuelsson, Elisabeth
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Exploring new horizons in gender mainstreaming: Beyond the pro and contra-contradiction2009Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Gråt gärna - men forska: rapport från konferensen 6-7 mars 2001 om kvinnorörelse och kvinno/genusforskning2001Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Mandom, mod och morske män.: Rapport från manlighetskonferensen den 30 november 2006.2007Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Har genus något med teknik att göra? Frågor som genusvetenskapen arbetar med såsom föreställningar om män, kvinnor, sexualitet, pojkar, flickor med mera har vid en första anblick inte speciellt mycket med teknik att göra. Typiska kommentarer när man som genusforskare tar upp frågor kring genus med tekniker och forskare vid tekniska högskolan kan följdriktigt också vara: ”Jag sysslar med elektroners rörelser. Vad har det med manligt och kvinnligt att göra?” eller ”Jag gör beräkningar inom hållfasthetslära. Det har väl ingen genusrelevans?” Det äger naturligtvis sin riktighet men som genusforskare inom forskningsområdet teknik och genus invänder man då att tekniken inte kan förstås utan dess konstruktörer och användare. Teknisk kunskap måste förstås i det sammanhang som den skapas och i det sammanhang som den används. Accepterar vi en sådan utsaga om teknikens sammanhang och användning accepterar vi också att teknikens konstruktörer och användare är män respektive kvinnor. Om det sedan har en praktisk betydelse för teknikens utformning och användning kan man tvista om men inom forskningsområdet teknik och genus råder det ingen tvekan om det har en både praktisk och symbolisk betydelse. Det har betydelse för teknikens utformning och det har betydelse för dess användning.

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  • 13.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Mellan anpassning och protest: Bonapojkar skriver och agerar i egen sak2016In: Inspärrad: röster från intagna på sinnessjukhus, fängelser och andra anstalter 1850-1992 / [ed] Roddy Nilsson, Maria Vallström, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2016, p. 153-183Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Offentliga kvinnor, prostutitionen i Sverige 1812-19182008In: Historisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0345-469X, E-ISSN 2002-4827Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 15.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Pojkar pli och pedagogik - vanart och manligheter på Bonaanstalten 1905-19482007 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I orten Bona utanför Motala bedrevs 19051948 tvångsuppfostran av »vanartade« pojkar och unga män. Målsättningen var att lära de intagna tonåringarna »gudsfruktan och arbetsduglighet«. Under skiftande förhållanden uppfostrades där 3500 pojkar fram till nedläggningen.Bona blev något som man skrämde barn med.I augusti 1984 öppnades Bona Folkhögskola. Då påminde Hans Möller, en gammal »bonapojke«, om att Bona tidigare var liktydigt med Statens tvångsuppfostrings­anstalt Bona, ett »brottets gymnasium«.»För mig blev detta en väckarklocka  att unga pojkar hade tvångsuppfostrats och kategoriserats som vanartade under 1900-talets första hälft i Sverige och här på Bona«, skriver Renée Frangeur, själv lärare på folkhögskolan, i bokens förord. Möllers bild av Bona blev även Frangeurs, tills hon påbörjade en egen forskning kring sin arbetsplats historia. Bitvis växer en mer nyanserad bild fram. Bonaanstalten var mycket riktigt en tvångsuppfostringsanstalt, men där fanns även en kreativ skol­undervisning, skogs- och jordbruksarbete, och pojkarna skulle lära sig att uppskatta bland annat musik, idrott och teater. Allt i en manlig anda.Pojkar, pli och pedagogik ger en bild av hur samhällets syn på utsatta unga pojkar resul­terade i en kombination av militaristisk disciplinering och seriös utbildning.

  • 16.
    Frangeur, Renée
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Pojkar, pli och pedagogik. Vanart och manlighet på Bonaanstalten 1905-1948.2007Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

      I orten Bona utanför Motala bedrevs 19051948 tvångsuppfostran av »vanartade« pojkar och unga män. Målsättningen var att lära de intagna tonåringarna »gudsfruktan och arbetsduglighet«. Under skiftande förhållanden uppfostrades där 3500 pojkar fram till nedläggningen.Bona blev något som man skrämde barn med.I augusti 1984 öppnades Bona Folkhögskola.

    Då påminde Hans Möller, en gammal »bonapojke«, om att Bona tidigare var liktydigt med Statens tvångsuppfostrings­anstalt Bona, ett »brottets gymnasium«.»För mig blev detta en väckarklocka  att unga pojkar hade tvångsuppfostrats och kategoriserats som vanartade under 1900-talets första hälft i Sverige och här på Bona«, skriver Renée Frangeur, själv lärare på folkhögskolan, i bokens förord. Möllers bild av Bona blev även Frangeurs, tills hon påbörjade en egen forskning kring sin arbetsplats historia.

    Bitvis växer en mer nyanserad bild fram. Bonaanstalten var mycket riktigt en tvångsuppfostringsanstalt, men där fanns även en kreativ skol­undervisning, skogs- och jordbruksarbete, och pojkarna skulle lära sig att uppskatta bland annat musik, idrott och teater. Allt i en manlig anda.Pojkar, pli och pedagogik ger en bild av hur samhällets syn på utsatta unga pojkar resul­terade i en kombination av militaristisk disciplinering och seriös utbildning.

  • 17.
    Frangeur, Renée
    et al.
    Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Nordberg, Marie
    Karlstad universitet.
    Prästerna och pedagogiken på Bona - mellan kontroll och kreativitet2008In: Maskulinitet på schemat - pojkar flickor och könsskapande i förskola och skola / [ed] Renée Frangeur,Marie Nordberg, Stockholm: Liber , 2008, 1, p. 224-Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Om flickor tidigare stått i centrum för jämställdhetsinsatser och pojkar främst diskuterats som ett hinder för flickor, så har en förskjutning ägt rum de senaste åren. Genom de internationella kunskapsmätningarna och den svenska betygsstatistiken har också pojkar, deras problem och framtida möjligheter hamna på den svenska jämställdhetsagendan.

  • 18.
    Frankova, Vera
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Yrke i förändring: om pressfotografers syn på teknikutvecklingen och arbetet ur genusperspektiv2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Fotografi handlar om teknik. Det gäller att ha rätt kamera vid rätt tillfälle, att ha rätt inställningar vid själva fototillfället utifrån ljusförhållanden och annat samt att göra rätt vid själva framkallningen. Teknik och naturvetenskap flätas samman och fotografen måste behärska dem båda för att lyckas.

    För en pressfotograf är det tekniska kunnandet viktigt då en pressfotograf inte har råd att misslyckas, varken vid fototillfället eller i mörkrummet. Ögonblicket kommer inte igen, ett förstört negativ kan inte räddas. Dessutom tickar klockan alltid mot deadline.

    I slutet av 1990-talet genomgick pressfotografyrket en teknisk revolution . I dag använder de flesta pressfotografer digitala kameror. Filmrullen har ersatts av ett minneskort, mörkrummet och kemin av en dataskärm, där bilden bearbetas. Bilden kan med hjälp av en mobiltelefon nå redaktionen strax efter att den tagits. Det handlar fortfarande om teknik, även om det i dag är viktigare att behärska en dator än att ha än kunskaper i kemi. Dessutom gäller det att vara alert – nya tekniska möjligheter introduceras hela tiden.

    Kopisterna som hjälpte till att framkalla filmen och göra ut de bilder som fotografen valt ut, har försvunnit till andra arbetsuppgifter. Pressfotografen har i dag hand om hela bildprocessen, från fotoögonblicket till färdig bild för publicering, även om andra kan gripa in under processen och ha synpunkter på bildval eller hur stor bilden ska bli i tidningen. Redigerare, de som gör tidningssidan, kan också beskära bilden ytterligare efter att fotografen gjort sin beskärning av bilden, något som inte alltid ses med blida ögon av fotograferna.

    Kanske kan den starka kopplingen till teknik vara förklaringen till att de flesta pressfotografer har varit och är män. Men någonting håller på att hända.

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  • 19.
    Guimarães Naso, Renata
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Therapeutic Alliance between Psychologists and Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence: A Feminist Ethics of Care Interpretation2017Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis investigates the construction of the therapist-client alliance in the therapeutic setting with perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV). Moreover, it explores the ways a Feminist Ethics of Care perspective could enhance the partnership between the actors. To fulfil such aims, the author conducted six in-depth semi-structured interviews with psychologists working at one of the most renowned institutions for perpetrators of IPV in Norway and Sweden. The analysis of the psychologists' discourses demonstrates that several factors are influential in the alliance construction. The most important aspects are: the clients' perspective towards the psychologists; the therapists' views towards the clients; the psychologists' engagement with moral sentiments; the power struggle between the actors; and the use of techniques for the professionals to enhance their connection with the clients. Besides that, the discourses also show that moral superiority seems to guide the psychologists when relating with the perpetrators. Their views are embedded in an individualistic ethics based on the principles of Kohlberg's Ethics of Justice. The thesis suggests that a collective ethics such as Gilligan's Feminist Ethics of Care would enhance the partnership between the actors. This theoretical framework allows the psychologists to change their superior moral views of the clients to a moral responsibility towards them. When such movement in perspective happens, the therapists begin to see the perpetrators as human beings with many different facets. Consequently, they truly deny a judgmental impression towards their identity.

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    MA Thesis Renata Guimaraes Naso
  • 20.
    Harrison, Katherine
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hearn, JeffLinköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    GEXcel Work in Progress Report Volume VII: Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 2: Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities Spring 20092009Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    The contributions to this volume are the result of the activities carried out within the frame of GEXcel’s second research theme, Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities. Most of the authors were GEXcel Visiting Scholars spending varying periods of time at Linköping University to work on their projects between January and June 2009. All the Scholars participated in the GEXcel Conference ‘Men and Masculinities, Moving On! Embodiments, Virtualities, Transnationalisations’ held on 27th – 29th April, 2009. In addition, two presentations from the Conference are included. Most of the conference presentations were published in GEXcel Work-in-Progress Report VI. Some of these presentations were also given at the GEXcel Symposium ‘Men/masculinities, Transnational, Spatial, Virtual: Hegemony, Power and Deconstruction’, held on 5th May, 2009 (see Appendix).

    This volume is of a work-in-progress character, and thus the texts presented here are to be elaborated further. The reader should also be aware that, as this is a report of working papers, some minor editorial modifications have been made to some papers, but the language of those contributed by non-native speakers of English has not been specifically revised.

    We thank Alp Biricik, Berit Starkman and Kjerstin Andersson for all their assistance in the arrangements for Theme 2, and Tomas Hägg for his care with the printing of the text.

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    Deconstructing the Hegemony. GEXcel Work In Progress Vol VII
  • 21.
    Hearn, Jeff
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    GEXcel Work in Progress Report Volume V: Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 2: Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities, Autumn 20082009Conference proceedings (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    The chapters of this volume are the result of the initial activities carried out within the frame of GEXcel’s second research theme, Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities. Most of the contributor authors were GEXcel visiting fellows and spent varying periods of time at Linköping University to work on their projects during November and December 2008. There are also two contributions from Tema Genus doctoral researchers who presented at the GEXcel events. Most contributors participated in the GEXcel conference on ‘Men and masculinities in transnational contexts: Power, hegemony and deconstruction’ and/or the symposium on ‘Men, age and embodiment: Power, hegemony and deconstruction’, which took place at Linköping University, Sweden, on 20th November and 2nd December 2008 respectively (see Appendix).

    On 27th-29th April, 2009 some will gather in Linköping once more, at a conference aiming to develop the research activities they carried out during the autumn of 2008.

    This volume is of a work-in-progress character, and thus the texts presented here are to be elaborated further. The reader should also be aware that due to the fact that this is a report of working papers, the language of the papers contributed by non-native speakers of English has not been specifically revised.

    I would like to thank Kjerstin Andersson, Alp Biricik, Malena Gustavson, Katherine Harrison and Berit Starkman for all their assistance in the arrangements for Theme 2 and in the preparation of this volume, Raewyn Connell for invaluable advice on applicants for GEXcel and Nina Lykke for her support as GEXcel Director.

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    Proceedings from GEXcel Theme 2: Deconstructing the Hegemony of Men and Masculinities Autumn 2008. GEXcel Work In Progress Vol V
  • 22.
    Hearn, Jeff
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Biricik, Alp
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Sadowski, Helga
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Harrison, Katherine
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Hegemony, transpatriarchies, ICTs and virtualization2013In: Rethinking transnational men: beyond, between and within nations / [ed] Hearn, Jeff; Blagojevic, Marina; Harrison, Katherine, New York: Routledge , 2013, p. 91-109Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In 1991 in a Cambridge University laboratory two computer scientists, Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky, wanted to keep their eyes on the availability of fresh coffee while they were working. Accordingly, they fixed a recycled video camera to an old computer and then a video frame-grabber on top of the coffee machine placed outside their working environment, called the “Trojan Room”. In the name of having more “control” over the coffee, they posted the very first real-time cybersurveillance recording process on the Internet: 1 they could watch it from other places. This, one of many examples of the reach of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and virtualization, has led into many kinds of transnational cybersurveillance experiences that have since grabbed the attention of many Internet surfers (Campanella 2002). Transnationalizations take many forms and have many implications for intersectional gender relations, for men and masculinities, for hegemony. They comprise acutely contradictory processes, with multiple forms of difference, presence, and absence for men, and women, in power and men, and women, who are dispossessed materially or in terms of aspects of citizenship. Different transnationalizations problematize taken-for-granted national, organizational, and local contexts; gender relations; and men and masculinities in many ways. This chapter builds on critical debates on men, masculinities, hegemony, and patriarchy in relation to intersectionalities and transnationalizations. It uses the concept of transnational patriarchies, or transpatriarchies for short, to speak of the structural tendency and individualized …

  • 23.
    Hearn, Jeff
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    McKie, Linda
    Glasgow Caledonian University.
    Gendered and social hierarchies in problem representation and policy processes: "domestic violence" in Finland and Scotland.2010In: Violence against women, ISSN 1552-8448, Vol. 16, no 2, p. 136-58Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article identifies and critiques presumptions about gender and violence that continue to frame and inform the processes of policy formation and implementation on domestic violence. It also deconstructs the agendered nature of policy as gendered, multilevel individual and collective action. Drawing on comparative illustrative material from Finland and Scotland, we discuss how national policies and discourses emphasize physical forms of violence, place the onus on the agency of women, and encourage a narrow conceptualization of violence in relationships. The two countries do this in somewhat comparable, though different ways operating within distinct national gender contexts.The complex interweaving of masculinities, violence, and cultures, although recognized in many debates, is seemingly marginalized from dominant discourses, policy, and legal processes. Despite growth in critical studies on men, there is little attempt made to problematize the gendered nature of violence. Rather, policy and service outcomes reflect processes through which individualized and masculine discourses frame ideas, discourses, and policy work. Women experiencing violence are constructed as victims and potential survivors of violence, although the social and gendered hierarchies evident in policies and services result in longer-term inequities and suffering for women and their dependents.

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  • 24.
    Hearn, Jeff
    et al.
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Hanken School of Economics, Finland; University of Huddersfield, UK.
    Oleksy, Elżbieta H.
    University of Łódź; University of Warsaw, Poland.
    Golańska, Dorota
    University of Łódź, Poland.
    Introduction: The Limits of Gendered Citizenship2010In: The Limits of Gendered Citizenship: Contexts and Complexities / [ed] Hearn, Jeff, Oleksy, Elżbieta H. and Golańska, Dorota, Routledge, 2010, p. 7-49Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The underlying theme of this edited collection is gendered citizenship, as well as the challenges and limits that confront the gendering of citizenship. It critiques the notion of the genderless nation-state citizen — in both analytical and policy terms and contexts — and necessarily engages with at least three major sets of contradictions or tensions: limitations on achieving gender equal or gender equitable citizenship; relations and differences between gender equality policy, diversity policy, and gender mainstreaming; and interplays of academic analyses of and practical interventions on gendered citizenship. Contributors from diverse scientific disciplines and academic backgrounds aim to provide a better understanding of the challenges that societies within Europe and elsewhere face vis-à-vis diversity, regionalism, transnationalism, and migration.

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    Introduction: The Limits of Gendered Citizenship
  • 25.
    Just, Edyta
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    My Awakenings: Response to Sarasadat Khalifeh Soltani2023In: Voices from Gender Studies: Negotiating the Terms of Academic Production, Epistemology, and the Logics and Contents of Identity / [ed] Edyta Just, Maria Udén, Vera Weetzel and Cecilia Åsberg, Routledge, 2023, p. 50-54Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This response paper focuses on three important aspects brought forward by Sarasadat Khalifeh Soltani’s text, which I always associate with Gender Studies. The first are the daring methodologies, which include various writing strategies, and stemming from these, new epistemologies. The second is the value of networking and community building across differences. The third is personal transformation.

  • 26.
    Just, Edyta
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Udén, MariaLuleå tekniska universitet.Weetzel, VeraLinköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.Åsberg, CeciliaLinköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Voices from Gender Studies. Negotiating the Terms of Academic Production, Epistemology, and the Logics and Contents of Identity2023Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The book is aimed at providing an assertion of Gender Studies as a vital community in our time, united in a commitment to inquiry. It brings forward an interdisciplinary set of early career researchers’ accounts of their motives for engaging in Gender Studies and, of the encounters with limitations as well as possibilities they experience on the paths they have chosen.

    Each chapter is accompanied by a brief response paper where a more senior researcher involves in conversation with respective chapter’s content and shares reflections regarding Gender Studies, its integration, and developments. The first level corresponds with the significance of research in the field and its transformative power in and, crucially, outside the academia. The second relates to the value of networking and community building for doing research.

    The book presents Gender Studies in a communicative, open manner that invites the reader to engage in and continue the displayed discussions. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of gender studies, sociology, queer studies, women’s studies, trans studies, anthropology, and literary studies.

  • 27.
    Koller, Claudia
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Weight(,) trouble and intersectional subjectivities: Capturing children´s corporeal experiences with body normativities in Austrian schools2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study looks at school children´s intersectional experience with weight norms and tries to give insights on the issue of body normativities, from a feminist sport scientist point of view.

    Its purpose is to inform good practice in juvenile health education on the one hand and to contribute with intersectional feminist insights to the interdisciplinary dialogue on body weight and health on the other.

    The here presented research project has been conceived as a pilot study for the juvenile health program The Club of Strong Friends.

    It aims to answer the question how troubled subject positions in a curricular setting come to be and how children use their intersectional corporeality to navigate in and out of different positionings.

    Using workshops as a method, a workshop series called Self-worth, Body Weight and Health was carried out with children between 11 and 13 in 3 different public schools in the most eastern province of Austria in spring 2015. Four of these sessions constitute the material for the analysis which has been realized by using Staunaes´ conceptualisation of intersectionality and troubled subject positions.


    It has been found that many children who conformed to normative body weight ideals drew attention to this fact. This was inter alia to claim an untroubled position within the group or overshadow a troubled position as an ethnic minority in a dominant Austrian school context.

    Being of non-normative body weight on the other hand often hindered children to connect with others and aggravated the participation in in-group activities.

    The data demonstrate that body weight plays a significant role in negotiating one´s intersectional position within the peer group. Non-normative body weight can thereby be a barrier for children to take part in a learning community. The findings also suggest that a variety of intersections that constitute children´s corporeal experiences within educational contexts are overlooked or insufficiently addressed within educational environments.


    Given this study´s findings, it is recommended to start incorporating intersectionality as an analytical tool and methodology in health promotion and health education in order to address pupils´ differences and intersections in a valuing non-oppressive way.

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  • 28.
    Livholts, Mona
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Social Work. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. RAW, The Network for Reflexive Academic Writing Methodologies.
    Hearn, Jeff
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Interview of Jeff Hearn by Mona Livholts in the RAW Dialogue Chair 16 September 20152016Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Professor Jeff Hearn has been at the forefront of research on men and masculinities, and has published extensively on sociology, social policy, gender, sexuality, violence, organisations, management, and cultural studies. His current research focuses on men, gender relations, organising and transnational patriarchies, along with violation and memory work. He is professor at Hanken School of Economics (Finland), University of Örebro (Sweden) and University of Huddersfield (UK). He is the co-editor of NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies [], and recently published Men of the World (Sage, 2015) [] and co-edited the special issue of NORMA, ‘Men, masculinities and young people: North-South dialogues’ [].

    The interview was conducted with Associate Professor Mona Livholts, Linköping University (Sweden) on 16 September 2015 in Norrköping, Sweden, as a RAW Dialogue Chair, which constitutes a stage, a space, to enter into conversations about ‘writing’ as an intellectual practice that shapes and re-shapes knowledge. RAW, The Network for Reflexive Academic Writing Methodologies, was founded in 2008 by Livholts. It is an international interdisciplinary research network, which constitutes a meeting place for researchers, teachers and academic professionals interested in all forms of writing methodologies.

  • 29.
    Mishra, Surabhi
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Representation of people with physical disabilities in cinema: How do the stories get told?: A qualitative analysis of real-life inspired movie ‘Penguin Bloom’ in relation to the book by the same name and published interviews of the person whose story it is based on.2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this thesis I study representation of disability and people with disabilities in cinema today by critically analyzing parts of a movie called Penguin Bloom for the way the main character’s identity and embodied experiences are represented and the possible reasons for that representation. Since the movie is based on a book that is in turn based on a real-life story of a person who acquired disability after sustaining an accidental fall, I have used certain quotes from the book and have also referred to a couple of published media interviews to support my arguments while analyzing the movie. To be able to critically view the movie for representation of people with disabilities, particularly relating to their identity, and embodied experiences, I have used theoretical frameworks of feminist disability studies, feminist visual theories, and feminist intersectionality to uncover how and why the main character in the movie, Sam Bloom’s – who is the person in a wheelchair – identity as a mother, and a disabled person, and her embodied experiences are expressed in the movie. The analysis reveals that the societal normative stereotypes relating to people with disabilities are reflected in the movie even though the movie has been created in close collaboration with Sam Bloom and the director of the movie has also kept the book as a reference point while working on the movie.

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  • 30.
    Muthana, Fairuz
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Honour-based violence and help-providers in Finland - What are the help providers doing to help women of colour seeking help and how do they conceptualize other important collaborators?2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Although Finland is deemed to be a female-friendly country, it has been criticized for the inability to eradicate violence committed specifically against women. According to the Finnish League for Human Rights, – who work closely with immigrant women suffering from honour-based violence, which is the type of violence focused on in this paper – Finnish social workers nor police are well equipped to deal with women suffering from honour-based violence. Hence, the purpose of this research is to analyse how help-providers and other important collaborators work in practice as well as analyse it from a multi-theoretical perspective. With the aid of the interviews conducted with five help-providers and thematic analysis, I was able to reach a conclusion, which highlighted how the help provided fluctuates between different groups in question. Also, the help provided is very dependent on the competency of the help-providers, which lacks in many aspects due to various intersectional factors.

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  • 31.
    Niklasson, Johanna
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Feministisk pornografi?: En kvalitativ textanalys av Närstrid: Vanessa2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie är att belysa feminismens mångfald i förhållande till pornografi och därmed undersöka om feministisk pornografi, är genomförbart att producera. Som bisyfte har jag även resonerat kring om detta fenomen är en positiv utveckling för feminismen. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys och utifrån en queer och radikalfeministisk teoribildning har novellsamlingen Närstrid: Vanessa, vilken utger sig för att innehålla feministisk pornografi, analyserats. Resultatet visar att antologin uppnår kriterierna för vad feministisk pornografi innebär, men dock ter sig de återkommande verbala som fysiska maktuttrycken paradoxala att använda i kampen för jämställdhet.

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  • 32.
    Niklasson, Johanna
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Feministisk pornografi?: En kvalitativ textanalys av Närstrid: Vanessa2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie är att belysa feminismens mångfald i förhållande till pornografi och därmed undersöka om feministisk pornografi, är genomförbart att producera. Som bisyfte har jag även resonerat kring om detta fenomen är en positiv utveckling för feminismen. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys och utifrån en queer och radikalfeministisk teoribildning har novellsamlingen Närstrid: Vanessa, vilken utger sig för att innehålla feministisk pornografi, analyserats. Resultatet visar att antologin uppnår kriterierna för vad feministisk pornografi innebär, men dock ter sig de återkommande verbala som fysiska maktuttrycken paradoxala att använda i kampen för jämställdhet.

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  • 33.
    Ohlsson, Therese
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Kvinnors livssituation i de indiska delstaterna Kerala och Punjab: - en jämförande deskriptiv studie2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 points / 30 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Uppsatsen är en jämförande studie av kvinnors livsvillkor och förmåga att undkomma fattigdom i de två indiska delstaterna Kerala och Punjab. Båda delstaterna har höjt den allmänna levnadsstandarden i befolkningen men haft olika framgång i att få dessa att tillkomma kvinnor. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka dels kvinnors livsvillkor och dels vilka faktorer som påverkar dessa i delstaterna. Metoden har bestått av kvalitativ textanalys. Vidare har statistik från UNDP använts. Studiens teoretiska referensram består av teorier om fattigdom och mänsklig utveckling av Amartya Sen och Martha Nussbaum, samt postkolonial feministisk teori av Chandra Mohanty. Uppsatsens slutsatser är att kvinnors livssituation i de två delstaterna beror till stor del på faktorer som distrikt, ort, klass, kast, stam, religiös tillhörighet, ordning i syskonskaran, samt position i familjen. Men det finns även regionala skillnader som påverkar kvinnors livsvillkor. I Punjab finns bl.a. en stark sonpreferens och flera patriarkala traditioner medan Kerala har tidigare matrilinjära traditioner samt ett starkt socialt skyddsnät. Vidare har delstaterna något olika politiskt fokus, olika traditioner och inställning till utbildning, olika traditioner kring kvinnors politiska organisering samt olika traditioner och sedvänjor gällande kvinnors position och frihet inom familjen som kan sägas gynna kvinnor i Kerala. Sammantaget kan sägas att kvinnors förmåga att undkomma fattigdom är något större i Kerala än i Punjab.

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  • 34.
    Olsson, Johan
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Kvinnan kan du sälja igen och igen och igen, tills hon är död: En studie om fem svenska organisationer som diskuterar fenomenet trafficking2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Kvinnan kan du sälja igen -och- igen -och- igen, tills hon är död.

    Så säger Iluta Laca, ordförande i Martacenter i Riga och en av deltagarna på Palmedagarna i Västerås under hösten 2005. Laca arbetar med att hindra att flickor hamnar i trafficking men även med att rehabilitera redan utsatta.

    Trafficking är inget nytt fenomen, redan under 1800-talets senare hälft fanns det prostituerade från Europa i Buenos Aires och i Indien. Detta kallas för den ”vita slavhandeln”. Den ersattes senare av den ”svarta slavhandeln” som kan delas in i fyra vågor och handlar om kvinnor som kommit till västvärlden. I den första vågen kom kvinnorna från Asien, i den andra från Sydamerika och i den tredje från Afrika. Nu i den fjärde vågen kommer kvinnorna från Central- och Östeuropa. Det fanns knappast några kvinnor från dessa länder före 1992. Enligt FN kan så många som 2 miljoner människor per år falla offer för trafficking. Uppskattningsvis tjänar de kriminella grupperna 7 miljarder dollar per år på verksamheten. Då handlar det inte bara om trafficking för sexuella syften utan t.ex. även arbetskraftsexploatering. Vinsterna i trafficking är jämförbara med smuggling av droger och vapen. Den stora förtjänsten med trafficking, både den i sexuellt syfte och arbetskraftsexploatering, ligger bland annat i att människor kan säljas om och om igen.

    Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur fem olika organisationer i Sverige diskuterar fenomenet trafficking av kvinnor för sexuella ändamål. Det empiriska materialet i studien består av intervjuer med representanter från organisationerna Kvinna Till Kvinna, Kvinnoforum, Palmecentret, Riksförbundet för sexuell upplysning (RFSU) och Riksorganisationen för kvinnojourer och tjejjourer i Sverige (ROKS). Även tryckt material från organisationerna som tar upp fenomenet finns med i empirin.

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  • 35.
    Pageot, Aurore
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    My body hair is a flower: Case study of MaYHAIR initiative and personal relationships with one’s hairy body2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    I analyzed the hairy experience of seven women participating or linked to MaYHAIR initiative, through the ex/in-corporation framework (Zeiler, 2013). MaYHAIR is a movement inviting to question the double standards on body hair by challenging people to keep their body hair for the whole month of May. Although previous studies mainly focus on hairlessness and body hair removal, I concentrate in this study case on the - feminine – experience of body hair and the excorporation feeling that realization of the hairless norm may create. I address the acceptance of one’s body hair leading to the acceptance of one’s body; the politization associated with hairiness; the importance of intersectional concern leading to challenging choice rhetoric; as well as the necessity for support and diversity of representations.

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  • 36.
    Phalén, Frida
    Linköping University, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Sex- och samlevnadsundervisning: Vad är det och vad gör den? Om lärarens roll i skapandet av barns sexualitet2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Sex – och samlevnadsundervisningen har varit obligatorisk i svenska skolor sedan 1955 och har genom årens gång haft olika syften och utföranden. I den här uppsatsen ligger fokus på hur låg- och mellanstadielärare hanterar frågor kring barns sexualitet och sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar ett socialiseringsperspektiv, genussystemet, heteronormativitet samt ett perspektiv där lärares subjektivitet i undervisningen diskuteras. Resultatet baseras på intervjuer med just låg- och mellanstadielärare där jag i analysen har sökt efter återkommande mönster i svaren. Det är vanligt att lärarna inte har någon eller ytterst lite utbildning för sex- och samlevnadsundervisning och att de inte heller planerar undervisningen särskilt genomgående i lärarlagen. På så vis tenderar undervisningen, inom detta så kallade kunskapsområde, att bli subjektiv där lärarnas egna värderingar och erfarenheter skiner igenom.

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  • 37.
    Shildrick, Margrit
    Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Centre for Gender Studies.
    Re-imagining Embodiment  : Prostheses, supplements and boundaries2013In: Somatechnics, ISSN 2044-0138, E-ISSN 2044-0146, Vol. 3, no 2, p. 270-286Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The question of what is at stake in the notion of the corporeal integrity of human beings is one that contemporary somatechnics must increasingly face. The reassuring image of the Cartesian body as the unified, unchanging material base of continuing existence has been radically contested not simply by postconventional modes of theoretical enquiry, but more pragmatically and disturbingly by contemporary bioscientific developments. In one influential response, the explanatory model offered by phenomenology has begun to engage with the affective significance of prostheses, whether conventionally external as with ‘replacements’ for missing limbs, or internal as with donated organs. In uncovering the inherent plasticity of the body and its multiple possibilities of intercorporeality, in incorporating both organic and inorganic non-self matter, such modes of corporeal transformation can comprehensively undo the conventional limits of the embodied self. Calling on my own substantive research into the use of prostheses in the arena of physical disabilities and more specifically in organ transplantation, I offer a rethinking of the problematic through a reading of both Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze. In their respective work, the infinitely deferred possibility, and the dis-organisation, of bodily integrity suggest a celebratory re-imaging of the multiple possibilities of corporeal extensiveness.

  • 38.
    Stefani, Emanuela
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies.
    De-constructing the psychological family: Investigation of gender bias in psychological practice with clients2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    As sometimes happens, research questions arise from spontaneous conversations, daily meetings. This is the case too, where an informal chat between psychologists stimulated my attention on the use of categories of meaning that usually are both familiar and taken for granted in their use: from my experience as a psychologist working in social work, when it comes to "taking up the maternal and paternal role" (or "using maternal and paternal code") professionals of social and clinical works understand nearly immediatly. But what about if these categories of meanings unwittingly bring with them gender stereotypes? Do clinical professionals, in particular, conduct their practice being careful not to convey or reinforce sexist or stereotypical messages?

    My research starts from a doubt, and passes through the sieve of papers, both scientific and not scientific, looking for backup references about interconnections between therapeutic practice and gender awareness, zooming attention on "maternal and paternal function" taken up by professionals when working with clients. While I have found considerable amounts of material on the first area, I didn’t find nearly anything on the second. In order to emphasize the importance of having gender awareness in thought and conduct of psychological practice, I documented some connections between Gender and Feminist Studies, Psychology and Politics.

    The research is developed within a post-structuralist framework, conducting semi-structured interviews with 4 psychotherapists, half of whom are specialized in the field of gender violence. By using the Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis I investigated the statements obtained by stimuli ranging from a) the ways in which gender is manifested in clinical practice, b) the use of "maternal and paternal function", and c) if their clinical practice contributes to the reduction of gender discrimination. The research seems to show that only one person is gender aware within her clinical practice: the same only one with a scientific and cultural background and on Gender Studies.

    What research urges is the need for a deepening of both focus analyzed here: on one hand, understanding the level of gender awereness of Italian professionals and this use in their clinical practice; and, on the other hand, the need to investigate the meaning, use, theoretical foundations and outcome of the use of ''maternal and paternal function" in clinical work with clients.

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  • 39.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna (Editor)
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Verksamhetsberättelse 20092009Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I verksamhetsberättelsen beskrivs och kommenteras några av de uppgifter och inslag Forum arbetat med under året. Mer information finns också på Forums hemsida

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  • 40.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna (Editor)
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Verksamhetsberättelse 20102010Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under 2010 har verksamheten vid Forum framför allt varit fokuserad på två externt finansie-rade uppdrag: genomförande av en utbildning på uppdrag av JÄMI samt den internationella konferensen Equality, Growth and Sustainability – do they mix? Dessa två uppdrag samt andra aktiviteter beskrivs närmare i det följande, delvis i kronologisk ordning.

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  • 41.
    Fogelberg Eriksson, Anna (Editor)
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, Centre for Gender Studies. Linköping University, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Verksamhetsberättelse 20112011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Under verksamhetsåret 2011 har relativt stor del av arbetet inom Forum ägnats åt LiU-internt och Linköpings-lokalt arbete, efter föregående års fokus på externa uppdrag. Forum har an-ordnat en rad öppna samt LiU-interna arrangemang som presenteras i det följande. Initie-ringen av den så kallade Genusakademin vid Linköpings universitet, som syftar till att stärka genusforskningen vid universitetet, har varit en viktig uppgift för Forum.

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