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  • 1.
    Börjeson, Björn
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    En jämförelse mellan Wittgenstein och Rorty2005Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Avhandlingen ”En jämförelse mellan Wittgenstein och Rorty”, syftar till att ge ett svar på frågan om Richard Rorty har rätt att hänvisa till Ludwig Wittgensteins filosofi som överensstämmande med sin egen filosofi, nypragmatismen. En analys av texter från de båda filosoferna visar att de skiljer sig ifråga om vad filosofi är genom att Rortys åsikt grundas på ett historicistiskt och allmänvetenskapligt synsätt medan Wittgensteins är av filosofisk art; deras åsikter om vad filosofin borde vara genom att Rorty vill ha en friare filosofi med betoning på diskussion medan Wittgenstein menar att filosofin även i framtiden kommer att syssla med samma problem som de gamla grekerna; deras åsikter om filosofins värde genom att Rorty anser att filosofin har ett värde som vägledare och diskussionsform medan Wittgenstein endast tillskriver filosofin ett värde som en terapi för att klarlägga olika frågor. En ytterligare analys visar att frågeställningarna är två; är Wittgenstein pragmatist och är han politiskt liberal? Det svar som ges är att Wittgenstein inte är pragmatist i Rortys mening och att det inte finns några belägg för hans liberalism och att dessa tolkningar från Rorty endast beror på att han missförstått Wittgenstein på dessa punkter. Slutsatsen som ges är att Wittgensteins filosofi inte kan sägas överensstämma med Rortys nypragmatism. Dels på grund av olikheten i deras åsikter om filosofi; dels för att Rorty missförstått Wittgenstein på viktiga punkter och dels för att Rorty är influerad av många andra filosofer och att därför hans filosofi som slutprodukt inte är överensstämmande med Wittgensteins.

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  • 2.
    Börjeson, Björn
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    En utredning av filosofins möjligheter: Avhandling i metafilosofi2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper aims at investing the possibilities for philosophical thinking through a speculative and critical examination of different ideas from various philosophers, such as Moore, Wittgenstein and Rorty. The aim is that philosophy can be a constructive part of the contemporary debate. In the first part, it is argued that philosophy is a speculative and universal business, and has had a great importance for society; examples of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and different political philosophers as Marx, Mill, Rousseau and Hobbes are given. In the second part, society and science are investigated in relation to philosophy, and it is concluded that there is a fundamental difference between method and principles, in that methods always change while principles always are the same and this, it is said, is something fruitful for the possibilities and for the confidence in, philosophy. In the third part, the principles of philosophy are treated, and the contemporary world is treated in a historical perspective. The future of philosophy is discussed, and its strenght is said to lie in its own principles. It is argued that clearsightedness and precision can be the solution to philosophocal obscurity, but that there also thereby will be a risk of losing the genuine character and strenght of philosophy. The conclusion of the paper is that the possibilities of philosophy not are achieved by some new philosophical principles, but in a clearsighted use of the existing.

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  • 3.
    Bülow, William
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Den Neo-Aristoteliska dygdetiken och den rätta handlingen2008Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper the author presents and discusses three charges that have been raised against Rosalind Hursthouses virtue ethical account on what it takes for an action to be morally right. Hursthouse proposes that an action is right, if and only if, it is what a virtuous agent characteristically would to in the circumstances. All of the charges discussed and presented in the paper try to show that Hursthouses account excludes actions which we would like to say are morally right.

    The author argues that a Neo-Aristotelian form of virtue ethics, like the one Hursthouse defends, can be formulated so that the charges can be avoided. The author proposes that, instead of understanding Hursthouses account as if it is only the very actions that virtuous agents perform that are morally right, we should observe that the virtuous agents are acting from maxims that they have tested during their development towards becoming virtuous agents. The author then proposes that an action is right if it can be traced from a maxim that can be a characteristic part of a virtuous life.

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    Den Neo-Aristoteliska dygdetiken och den rätta handlingen
  • 4.
    Drazdauskas, Laurynas
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Virtual Reality as a Phenomenon of Art2006Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In this essay results are developed on two different levels. First, it is shown in demonstration that a phenomenological analysis on the lines of Roman’s Ingarden’s study of works in literature can be applied to Virtual Reality works, such as professional-simulators and video-games. In particular it can then be pointed out that: i) sound is separable from the scene, but using sound VR becomes enriched; ii) the main role in literature is left for the imagination, while in VR we find richness in concretization.

    Second, it is argued in discussion that works in VR can be qualified as works of art. These electronic works may have all the aesthetical qualities (based on the phenomenology of Roman Ingarden) of the works of art in the traditional sense. So, that paper has two objectives: an analysis of VR and the search for the status of VR in art.

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  • 5.
    Johansson, Magnus
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Kvasirealistisk Motivation2006Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper concerns on the one hand Simon Blackburn’s enterprise of quasi-realism, and on the other the problem of moral motivation. The main question in this second case treats the way whereupon our moral propositions motivate us to act. Do they own any normative force at all, or are they only to be seen as cognitive states? From the starting point of this discussion, I have investigated how the quasi-realist theory could work on the meta-ethical level. I have also tried to decide whether or not it corresponds to our intuitions about the real meaning of our moral judgements. The conclusive position of mine is that the fundamental problems of the theory eliminate its practical applicability.

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  • 6.
    Jonsson, Magnus E.
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Global Justice and Perpetual Peace - The Case for a World Government?: A Critique of Torbjörn Tännsjö´s ‘Global Democracy – The Case for a World Government’2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The problems of the world today are global and thus we must act on a global level to solve them. We need to establish a perpetual and global peace and we also need to create global justice. How is this to be done? In 2008 the philosopher Torbjörn Tännsjö tried to provide an answer on these questions in the book Global Democracy – The Case for a World Government. In his book Tännsjö argues for an institutional cosmopolitan approach, trying to convince us that a world government would guarantee both a global and perpetual peace, as well as global justice. In this thesis I will present Tännsjö´s main argument and then share my thoughts and give my critique on them.

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  • 7.
    Larsson, Gabriel
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Fri vilja?: Viljeansträngningarna i Robert Kanes libertarianska teori2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats är en granskning av Robert Kanes libertarianska teori om viljeansträngningar, hur dessa kan lösa det problem som det så kallade turargumentet utgör för en libertariansk händelse-kausal teori och om hans teori ger en bra redogörelse för fri vilja, framför allt i samband med moraliska konflikter. Jag undersöker också Randolphs Clarkes kritik mot Kanes teori, som bland annat går ut på att de dubbla viljeansträngningarna är irrationella, att de inte behövs för att bemöta turargumentet och att Kanes teori inte tillför tillräckligt mycket för att ge en typ av fri vilja som vi inte redan skulle kunna ha i en deterministisk värld. Jag kommer fram till att Kanes teori kan bemöta turargumentet på ett ganska bra sätt, men att den inte tillför något som skulle kunna ge fri vilja även om fri vilja skulle vara omöjlig i en deterministisk värld. Som libertariansk teori misslyckas den alltså.

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  • 8.
    Pilbäck, David
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Communication, Department of Philosophy.
    Richard Shustermans kritik mot Merleau-Ponty: En kritisk granskning2009Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the critique Richard Shusterman is raising towards Maurice Merleau-Pontys view on consciousness of bodily sensations and habit. Richard Shusterman critique towards Merleau-Ponty is found to have no other basis than Shusterman own subjective view on what the task of philosophy is.

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