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  • 1.
    Agarwal, Pankhuri
    et al.
    University of Bristol, UK.
    Djampour, Pouran
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Farsakoglu, Eda
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Kolankiewicz, Marta
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Lundberg, Tove
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Nordling, Vanna
    Malmö universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), Sweden.
    Scott, Katrine
    University Collage Copenhage, Sweden.
    Sixtensson, Johanna
    Malmö universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), Sweden.
    Söderman, Emma
    Lund University, Sweden.
    Introduction2021In: The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research: Addressing Moments of Discomfort, London: Routledge , 2021, 1, , p. 166p. 1-8Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In qualitative research, the research process is often filled with moments of discomfort. These discomforts can appear at any stage of the research: when choosing thesubject of research, during fieldwork, in the process of analysis and when presenting research findings to different audiences. In this edited volume, we take thesemoments of discomfort seriously and use them as sites of knowledge production forreflecting on the politics and ethics of the qualitative research process. By locatingour experiences in implementing nine different PhD projects carried out in different disciplines and research contexts in social sciences, we argue that these momentsof discomfort help us to gain important insights into the methodological, theoretical, ethical and political issues that are crucial for the fields we engage with. Drawingon feminist and other critical discussions (Mulinari and Sandell 1999, Gunaratnam2003, Back 2007, Gunaratnam and Hamilton 2017), we deal with questions such as:What does it mean to write about the lives of others? What are the ethical modesand conundrums of producing representations? In research projects that are locatedin the tradition of critical or engaged scholarship, how are ethics and politics of representation intertwined, and when are they distinct? How are politics of representation linked to the practice of solidarity in research? What are the im/possibilities ofhope and care in research?

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  • 2.
    Agarwal, Pankhuri
    et al.
    University of Bristol, UK.
    Djampour, PouranLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.Farsakoglu, EdaLund University, Sweden.Kolankiewicz, MartaLund University, Sweden.Lundberg, ToveLund University, Sweden.Nordling, VannaMalmö universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), Sweden.Scott, KatrineUniversity Collage Copenhage, Sweden.Sixtensson, JohannaMalmö universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), Sweden.Söderman, EmmaLund University, Sweden.
    The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research: Addressing Moments of Discomfort2021Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This book offers insights on politics and ethics of representation that are relevant to researchers concerned with struggles for justice. It takes moments of discomfort in the qualitative research process as important sites of knowledge for exploring representational practices in critical research.

    The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research draws on experiences from research processes in nine PhD projects. In some chapters, ethical and political dilemmas related to representational practices are analyzed as experienced in fieldwork. In others, the focus is on the production of representation at the stage of writing. The book deals with questions such as: What does it mean to write about the lives of others? How are ethics and politics of representation intertwined, and how are they distinct? How are politics of representation linked to a practice of solidarity in research? What are the im/possibilities of hope and care in research?

    Drawing on grounded empirical research, the book offers input to students, PhDs, researchers, practitioners, activists and others dealing with methodological dilemmas from a critical perspective. Instead of ignoring discomforts, or describing them as solved, we stay with them, showing how such a reflective process provides new, ongoing insights.

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  • 3.
    Ahlberg, Beth Maina
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Carr, Claudette
    University of Westminster, UK.
    Diakite, Madubuko
    El-Tayeb, Fatima
    University of California, San Diego, USA.
    Hübinette, Tobias
    Södertörns University, Sweden.
    Jallow, Momodou
    Kawesa, Victoria
    Linköping University, The Tema Institute, The Department of Gender Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    McEachrane, Michael
    McKnight, Utz
    University of Alabama, USA.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Patel, Shailja
    Sabuni, Kitimbwa
    Afrosvenskarnas riksförbund, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Salami, Minna
    Racism Is No Joke: A Swedish Minister and a Hottentot Venus Cake-An Email Conversation2014In: Afro-Nordic landscapes: equality and race in Northern Europe / [ed] Michael McEachrane, New York: Routledge, 2014Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Alm, Anna-Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Christersson, Cecilia
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Eikelboom Sällström, Anette
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Esbjörnsson, Mattias
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Andreas
    Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Marell, Agneta
    Samverkan och innovation, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Persson, Jeanette
    Innovation och utveckling, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Ramsten, Anna-Carin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Rehme, Jakob
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Industrial Economics. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Reinhold, Mats
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Sjögren, Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Sörensson, Victoria
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Värbrand, Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, Communications and Transport Systems. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1]: Metoder och strategier2016Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.

    Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.

    Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:

    • att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;
    • att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;
    • att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;
    • att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.

    Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.

    Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?

    I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.

    Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.

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    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [1]: Metoder och strategier
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  • 5.
    Ahlgren-Moritz, Charlotte
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Alm, Anna-Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Christersson, Cecilia
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Eikelboom Sällström, Anette
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Esbjörnsson, Mattias
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Jacobsson, Andreas
    Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Marell, Agneta
    Samverkan och innovation, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Persson, Jeanette
    Innovation och utveckling, Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Ramsten, Anna-Carin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Rehme, Jakob
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Industrial Economics. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Reinhold, Mats
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Sjögren, Karin
    Malmö högskola, Sweden.
    Sörensson, Victoria
    Enheten för externa relationer, Umeå universitet, Sweden.
    Värbrand, Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Science and Technology, Communications and Transport Systems. Linköping University, Faculty of Science & Engineering.
    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2]: Möjligheter och utmaningar2016Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Universitet och högskolor bidrar till samhällsutvecklingen genom att forskningsbaserad kunskap tillämpas av olika aktörer i samhället. För att möta dagens och morgondagens samhällsutmaningar utgör således kunskapsutbyte och samverkan mellan lärosäten och samhället en värdefull möjlighet. Att ha starka relationer med samhällets aktörer identifieras också som viktigt i utvecklingen av ett internationellt starkt lärosäte.

    Samverkan i högre utbildning främjar samhällets förändringsförmåga och stärker utbildningens kvalitet, men samverkan förbereder också studenterna för ett livslångt lärande och underlättar övergången mellan utbildning och arbetsliv. Ett lärosäte i nära samverkan med aktörer i samhället är ett relevant lärosäte, det vill säga ett lärosäte som är till nytta för sin omvärld och för sina medarbetare och studenter.

    Ett grundläggande problem vad gäller möjligheterna att integrera samverkan i akademisk utbildning står att finna i statens fördelning av medel till lärosätena. De statliga medlen utgår nämligen i två separata anslag, ett vardera för de båda huvuduppdragen utbildning och forskning. Samverkan kan sägas ingå i bägge uppdragen. Till skillnad från forskningssamverkan finns det för utbildningssamverkan ingen särskild uppföljning och inte heller några ekonomiska incitament. Utvärdering av forskning och utbildning bör således breddas så att kvalitetsstärkande samverkansinslag också inkluderas i resursfördelningsprinciperna. Statens bristande strukturer för fördelning och uppföljning återspeglas i hur lärosätena fördelar resurser till och följer upp samverkan: lärare ges sällan resurser (i form av särskild tid) för att på ett pedagogiskt genomtänkt sätt kunna inkludera samverkansinslag i undervisningen; samverkan är sällan meriterande eller lönegrundande; och den utbildningssamverkan som bedrivs följs sällan upp – varken på institutions-, fakultets- eller lärosätesnivå. Samma sak kan sägas gälla på nationell nivå – det samverkande lärosätet erhåller inga extra anslag och det bestraffas ej heller för försummelse av detsamma. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen innebär att samverkan bör ingå i de pedagogiska modeller som lärare använder för att leda studenternas kunskapsutveckling mot de mål som finns angivna i kurs- och utbildningsplaner. Det betyder också att arbetet med samverkan bör inkluderas i processer för styrning, planering och uppföljning av utbildning och undervisning på såväl kurs- och programnivå som på institutions-, fakultets- och lärosätesnivå. Att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningen är att sträva mot att externa aktörer ska bli en självklar del i den dagliga verksamheten – för studenter såväl som för medarbetare och för de organisationer man samverkar med. För att svenska lärosäten ska ges en realistisk möjlighet att göra samverkan till en integrerad del av utbildningsverksamheten krävs det framför allt följande:

    • att politiker och departement utformar ett fördelningssystem där framgångsrika samverkansinsatser inom utbildningen leder till en förstärkning av resursbasen på lärosätena;
    • att lärosätesledningar tar tydlig ställning för samverkansfrågan i sina strategiska styrdokument och att samverkan införs i lärosätenas kvalitetssäkringssystem för utbildning, samt att lärosätena inför system för att styra och följa upp samverkan i utbildningen på lärosätesövergripande nivå;
    • att ledningen för fakulteter, institutioner eller motsvarande omsätter lärosätets strategiska åtaganden i handlingsplaner och lokala styrdokument samt utformar system för dokumentation, styrning och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningsprogram;
    • att lärare samt kurs- och programansvariga inför samverkan i utbildningens styrande dokument (t.ex. kurs- och utbildningsplaner) samt i den ordinarie undervisningsverksamheten.

    Dessutom bör lärosätena – både gemensamt men också vart och ett för sig – införa system och karriärvägar där medarbetares insatser i det vardagliga samverkansarbetet uppmärksammas och belönas.

    Mot bakgrund av detta kan man konstatera att det är angeläget att lärosätenas strategiska arbete avseende utveckling och uppföljning av samverkan i utbildningen vidareutvecklas. Men, med vilka verktyg, var i verksamheten och på vilka sätt?

    I följande skrift samlas erfarenheter och goda exempel gjorda inom ramen för ett flerårigt lärosätesövergripande samarbetsprojekt, Samverkanssäkrade utbildningsprogram, där utgångspunkten har varit att identifiera strategier och metoder för att integrera samverkan i utbildningsprogram. Målet har varit att undersöka och beskriva hur samverkan kan vara ett medel som bidrar till att stärka utbildningens kvalitet och relevans, samt ge förslag på hur vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning kan se ut.

    Den centrala slutsatsen är att samverkan, när den är en integrerad del av utbildningen, bidrar till kvalitet och säkerställer att utbildningen blir till nytta för samhället. Det finns också andra vinster med att bedriva ett systematiskt samverkansarbete, till exempel att det leder till pedagogisk utveckling för undervisande personal, att det ökar förutsättningarna för ett utmaningsbaserat lärande med studenten i centrum, att det underlättar övergången från studier till arbetsliv, och att det möjliggör fördjupade relationer med den värld lärosätet finns i. Resan mot samverkanssäkrad utbildning är, med andra ord, mödan väl värd.

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    Vägen till samverkanssäkrad utbildning. [2]: Möjligheter och utmaningar
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  • 6.
    Ahlstedt, Sara
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Qvist, Martin
    Stockholms universitet.
    Suter, Brigitte
    Malmö högskola.
    Migration: Suveränitet, gränser och kontroll2013In: Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Kritiska perspektiv i etnicitets- och migrationsstudier / [ed] Magnus Dahlstedt och Anders Neergaard, Stockholm: Liber, 2013, p. 54-81Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 7. Alinia, Minoo
    et al.
    Hamed, Sarah
    Kai, Domino
    Kelekay, Jasmine
    McEachrane, Michael
    Morey, Maribel
    Mulinari, Paula
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Coloniality, whiteness and systemic racism in Sweden: An email conversation2024In: Decolonial Sweden / [ed] Michael McEachrane & Louis Faye, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge, 2024, p. 195-214Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    "Decolonial Sweden exposes the social and political relevance of European colonialism to Sweden and its place in the world. It is a book that points to why and how Sweden is to be included in global decolonial struggles. Sweden is often displayed as an ethnoracially homogenous country without any colonial history: an open and tolerant human rights champion, anti-racist, anti-colonial and in solidarity with the Global South. For over twenty years, authors Michael McEachrane and Louis Faye have been challenging this account, pointing to Sweden's involvement in colonial histories and legacies, its racialized nationhood, and embedded colonial structures. This important new book reflects a decolonial turn in research, emphasising that coloniality is far from over, and that challenging global injustices remains an unfinished and open-ended process. Chapters in the book consider the resistance of the Sami people to Swedish colonialism, whether Sweden owes the Caribbean reparations for its colonisation of St Barthelemy and involvement in the transatlantic trade, Sweden's involvement in a colonial global economy, and how white European identification is embedded in Swedish politics, nation-building and society. Engaging and insightful, Decolonial Sweden invites readers to reconsider Swedish attitudes towards race, colonialism, and international relations. This book is an essential read for Post- and Decolonial scholars and students of Critical Race Studies, Africana Studies, International Relations, Global Development, and Political Science, as well as for anyone interested in Sweden's place in the world"--

  • 8.
    Andersson, Henrik
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet.
    Jutvik, Kristoffer
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Martén, Linna
    Stockholm universitet.
    Economic incentives and the return of rejected asylum-seekersManuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The return and reintegration of rejected asylum seekers is a growing concern, not least following the migration flows in the summer of 2015. In general, only a third of individuals with negative asylum decisions are estimated to have returned to their origin countries in recent years. We provide the first causal evaluation of a specific policy aimed at incentivizing the return of rejected asylum-seekers, namely a cash grant given to those who return to their home countries on their own. We use individual level administrative data from Sweden and implement a regression discontinuity design, which leverages that the eligible nationalities have changed over time. Our estimate suggests that being informed about the cash grant increased the take-up rate and subsequently the share who returned on their own, within 2 to 5 years. However, the overall take-up rate is low. We find no evidence of adverse selection, as there is no increase in applications after the introduction of cash the grants.

  • 9.
    Andersson, Henrik
    et al.
    Uppsala Univ, Sweden.
    Jutvik, Kristoffer Peter
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Do asylum-seekers respond to policy changes? Evidence from the Swedish-Syrian case2023In: Scandinavian Journal of Economics, ISSN 0347-0520, E-ISSN 1467-9442, Vol. 125, no 1, p. 3-31Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Do asylum-seekers respond to policy changes in their destination country, and to what extent? We approach this question by using high-frequency data, and we focus on a sudden liberalization in Swedish policy toward Syrian asylum-seekers, which implied permanent instead of temporary residence. We show a clear and fast, yet temporary, increase in Syrian asylum applications in Sweden after the policy change. Also, the policy caused a shift - not limited to the short term - in the share of individuals arriving without family, and consequently in the share applying for family reunification. Our study adds quasi-experimental evidence to the literature on inter-country asylum flows and migration policy.

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  • 10.
    Andersson, Josefin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Arbetsmarknadsprojekt som kooperativ: Erfarenheter från fyra ESF-projekt med ett kooperativt arbetssätt2010Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Arbetskooperativ har i Sverige en lång historia bakom sig men har under senare år uppmärksammats under nya former; sociala arbetskooperativ eller sociala företag. Dessa utmärker sig genom att främst skapa arbeten för personer med olika former av arbetshinder. I den här rapporten har personal från fyra ESF-projekt med inriktning mot social arbetskooperation intervjuats. Rapporten ger en bild av hur den kooperativa rörelsen kan kombineras med arbetsmarknadspolitisk projekt­verksamhet – men också av de svårigheter som denna verksamhet kan möta. I studien analyseras bland annat hur inkludering får betydelse i projektverksam­heten i relation till frivillighet och tvång.


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    Arbetsmarknadsprojekt som kooperativ : Erfarenheter från fyra ESF-projekt med ett kooperativt arbetssätt
  • 11.
    Andersson, Lena
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Organisering för samordning och samsyn: En studie av Kindas kärntrupp för rehabiliteringssamverkan kring äldre2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Samverkan blir allt vanligare som organisatorisk lösning på situationer där ansvarsområden är vaga eller skär över organisationsgränser. Inom området vård och omsorg om äldre korsar ansvaret gränser både avseende huvudmän och yrkesgrupper och satsningar på samverkan är därför frekvent förekommande. Särskilda satsningar på samverkan inom just rehabiliteringsområdet har också främjats av statliga stimulansmedel riktade mot vården och omsorgen om äldre.

    Föreliggande studie belyser hur kärntruppen, en grupp bestående av representanter för olika yrkesgrupper och huvudmän med ansvar för olika uppdrag i rehabiliteringen av äldre i Kinda kommit att samverka i syfte att skapa bättre samordning och samsyn kring brukaren.

    Materialet som studien bygger på består av fem års kontinuerliga mötesanteckningar, personliga intervjuer, en fokusgruppsintervju, ett års kontinuerligt nedskrivna mötesdagböcker samt övrig dokumentation om verksamheten.

    Studien visar hur samverkan kan utvecklas och samsyn frammanas i viktiga frågor genom att rätt personer involveras, personligt engagemang skapas och tid ges till diskussion om frågor som lyfts upp och bearbetas efter hand. Sett ur ett meningsskapandeperspektiv framträder betydelsen av gemensamma aktiviteter vid olika mötesarenor för den samsyn som åstadkoms. Brukaren, eller ”Kalle”, blir det objekt som företrädare för samtliga inblandade organisationer och yrkesgrupper kan samlas kring. Genom mötet dem emellan framträder kärntruppen som en organisation som fungerar som en länk mellan olika världar likväl som en brobyggare för att inkludera även andra i ett alternativt synsätt på brukaren.

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    Organisering för samordning och samsyn: En studie av Kindas kärntrupp för rehabiliteringssamverkan kring äldre
  • 12.
    Andersson, Lena
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Engstrand, Åsa-Karin
    Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    A discursive approach to sensemaking at work2012Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Andersson, Lena
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, HELIX Vinn Excellence Centre. Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Johansson, Anders W
    Ekonomihögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet.
    Small business promotion and intermediating as societal entrepreneurship2012In: Societal Entrepreneurship: Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting / [ed] Karin Berglund, Bengt Johannisson, Birgitta Schwartz, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, 1, p. 117-138Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Most social ventures cross the boundaries between the private, the public and the non-profit/voluntary sectors, and this broad involvement of actors and intertwining of sectors makes the label 'societal' entrepreneurship more appropriate. Stating the importance of both the local and the broader societal context, the book reports close-up studies from a variety of social ventures. Generic themes include positioning societal entrepreneurship against other images of collective entrepreneurship, critically penetrating its assumptions and practices and proposing ways of promoting societal entrepreneurship more widely.

  • 14.
    Andersson, Martin
    et al.
    Lund University.
    Klinthäll, Martin
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Management and Engineering, Business Administration.
    The Opening of the North-South Divide: Cumulative causation, household income disparity and the regional bonus in Taiwan 1976-20052012In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, ISSN 0954-349X, E-ISSN 1873-6017, Vol. 23, no 2, p. 170-179Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    During the last decades regional income divergence seems to have reappeared in both developed and developing countries. In Taiwan–a renowned case of growth with equity–regional per capita income was converging until the early 1990s after which it began to diverge. With the help of modeled annual household survey data from 1976 to 2005 we indicate the magnitude of a regional bonus and discuss reasons behind the re-opening of the North-South income divide in Taiwan. Our analysis suggests that this process is a consequence of cumulative causation connected to the advent of the rise of ICT industry in conjunction with changes in Taiwan's political economy which provided relatively more advantageous economic opportunities for the industrial structure of the leading region.

  • 15.
    Andersson, Ragnar
    Linköping University, Department for Studies of Social Change and Culture, Department of Culture Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Inclusion of immigrants -- effects of diffent kinds of partnerships2008In: Partnership: As a Stragegy for Social Innovation and Sustainable Change / [ed] Lennart Svensson, Barbro Nilsson, Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press , 2008, 1, p. 159-172Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Is partnership as an organisational principle a way to overcome the limitations of project-organisation and its focus on short-term outcomes? Or is the interest in partnership organisations only an expression of a trend or a fashion in the growing market for organisational development in complex situations? In this book 14 scholars get new data and make careful analysis of the partnership organisation both in theory and in practice. They analyse the effectiveness of the partnership organisation in implementing changes and innovation with long-term effects rather than short-term results. The ambition is to address practical dilemmas and problems in the partnership organisation by using different theoretical perspectives - theories about organisational learning, strategies for change, power and empowerment, gender analysis, governance and participation etc. The research presented is valuable in order to achieve deeper understanding of the pros and cons with the partnership organisation. When can it be useful? What kind of problems can be addressed? Which conditions are necessary if the partnership model is to be used? Editors are Lennart Svensson, professor of sociology at the University of Linkoping, Sweden and Barbro Nilsson, Ph.D. and lecturer of pedagogic at the Institution of Behaviour Science learning at the University of Linkoping. Also contributing are Ken Caplan, Leda Stott, Erik Lindhult, Ingela Malqvist, Marianne Parmsund, Ann-Christine Larsson, Maria Bogren, Sofia Wistus, Ragnar Andersson, Hanna Westberg, Anette Scoppetta and Gun Hedlund.

  • 16.
    Andreassen, Rikke
    et al.
    Roskilde universitet.
    Lundström, Catrin
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Keskinen, Suvi
    Helsingfors universitet.
    Tate, Shirley Anne
    University of Alberta, Canada.
    Introduction: Emotions2023In: The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies / [ed] Rikke Andreassen, Catrin Lundström, Suvi Keskinen, Shirley Anne Tate, Abingdon: Routledge, 2023, p. 281-283Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Since its foundation as an academic field in the 1990s, critical race theory has developed enormously and has, among others, been supplemented by and (dis)integrated with critical whiteness studies. At the same time, the field has moved beyond its origins in Anglo-Saxon environments, to be taken up and re-developed in various parts of the world – leading to not only new empirical material but also new theoretical perspectives and analytical approaches. Gathering these new and global perspectives, this book presents a much-needed collection of the various forms, sophisticated theoretical developments and nuanced analyses that the field of critical race and whiteness theories and studies offers today. Organized around the themes of emotions, technologies, consumption, institutions, crisis, identities and on the margin, this presentation of critical race and whiteness theories and studies in its true interdisciplinary and international form provides the latest empirical and theoretical research, as well as new analytical approaches. Illustrating the strength of the field and embodying its future research directions, The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies will appeal to scholars across the social sciences and humanities with interests in race and whiteness.

  • 17.
    Andreassen, Rikke
    et al.
    Roskilde University, Denmark.
    Lundström, CatrinLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.Keskinen, SuviUniversity of Helsinki, Finland.Tate, Shirley AnneUniversity of Alberta, Canada; Nelson Mandela University, South Africa.
    The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies2024Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 18.
    Annoni, Danielle
    et al.
    Fed Univ Parana UFPR, Brazil.
    Silva, Karine Souza
    Fed Univ Santa Catarina UFSC, Brazil.
    dos Santos, Gabriela Martini
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Solidarity Economy and social inclusion: The Immigrant Fair in Florianopolis, Brazil2022In: Development Policy Review, ISSN 0950-6764, E-ISSN 1467-7679, Vol. 40, no 2, article id e12564Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Motivation The Solidarity Economy movement emerged in Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s as an alternative mode of production led by mutual principles, such as co-operative work, self-management, and consensual distribution of economic gains. Much has been developed on its potential to include groups marginalized by capitalism in new development schemes, but to date there has been no work regarding immigrants participation specifically. This research aims to fill this gap. Purpose The article investigates the importance of the partnership between institutions in the host country and immigrants to their insertion in the Solidarity Economy Fairs in Florianopolis. It questions to what extent it has furthered income generation, the formation of social identity, and the construction of community ties. Methods and approach The approach is anchored in intervention-research, proposing a socio-analytical intervention (Aguiar & Rocha, 2007). To pursue qualitative research, an online form was distributed to participants at the Immigrant Fair. The form comprised semi-structured interviews, with the possibility of giving free answers. Findings The data analysis reveals the nuances of the life trajectory of recent immigrants in Brazil: people, mostly of Latin American origin, over 30 years of age, seeking economic insertion in another country. For them, the Solidarity Economy has offered a possibility for social and economic insertion in Brazil. The opportunity for marginalized populations to engage with the Solidarity Economy offers an effective tool against systemic competition. The Fair operates as an alternative to the insertion into the capitalist market for outsider groups, enabling new ways to conduct economic life within the capitalist economy. Policy implications Our findings suggest that the Fair has provided immigrants both the means to obtain a weekly (although unstable) financial income and their social integration-it requires interaction with other immigrants, state agents, tourists, and the local community. The social isolation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic has jeopardized both outcomes. In order to consolidate solidarity ventures and immigrants enterprises, there is an urgent need to implement a public policy regarding immigrants social and economic rights in Santa Catarina State.

  • 19. Arke, Pia
    et al.
    Jonsson, Stefan
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Scoresbysundshistorier: fotografier, kartor & kolonialism2010 (ed. 1)Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 20. Arke, Pia
    et al.
    Jonsson, Stefan
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Stories from Scoresbysund: Photographs, Colonisation and Mapping2010 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Copenhagen: Kuratorisk Aktion, 2010. Softcover as issued. 283 pp. Illustrated. Text in English. With texts also in Greenlandic and Danish. New!. Bookseller Inventory # 32221

  • 21. Order onlineBuy this publication >>
    Avrahami, Dina
    Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Vi dansar inte på bordet: Lesbiska invandrarkvinnor i Sverige: stigmatisering & stolthet2007Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This research was carried out during the years 200-2004. The theoretical basis of the thesis is found within the fields of Lesbian Studies and IMER-studies (studies of International Migration and Ethnic Relations). In the thesis the life experiences of 21 informants, originating from 15 different countries are studied. The 21 informants are all immigrant women living in Sweden. The point of departure of the research is that of sexuality and migration.

    The main questions of the research are: through which processes do women obtain consciousness about their lesbian orientation, how do they “learn “to “be” lesbians and within which social context do these processes take place? Answers to these questions are given through an analysis of the life experiences of the 21 informants. The analysis is focuses on the connection and the interaction between lesbianism and migration.

    The study is ethnographic and qualitative. The narrative method is applied to obtain the empirical material containing transcribed interviews and notes from participant observation. Theories of social relationship, heteronormativity, stigmatization, agency, and migration are applied.

    The study shows that the informants’ experience of stigmatization and marginalization are very similar irrespective of which society they grew up in. Marginalization of lesbian women is very much a consequence of social structure, which oppresses female sexuality. It is through the coming out process that lesbian women “learn” to “be” lesbian. Stigmatization is the social context in which the lesbian women becomes aware of her sexual orientation and grows into conscious lesbian. It is through conscious action (agency) that she alters her social position in the margin and becomes an independent and proud lesbian subject. In the course of this process she seeks contact with other homosexuals (women and men) and she develops a sense of belonging to a group of people who share similar life experiences of stigmatization on the grounds of their homosexuality. This feeling is crucial for the establishment of a lesbian community, irrespective of ethnic and national background. The lesbian community (and gay community as a whole) is international.

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    Vi dansar inte på bordet. Lesbiska invandrarkvinnor i Sverige: stigmatisering & stolthet
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  • 22.
    Axster, Sabrina
    et al.
    Johns Hopkins Univ, MD 21218 USA.
    Danewid, Ida
    Univ Sussex, England.
    Goldstein, Asher
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Mahmoudi, Matt
    Amnesty Int, England.
    Tansel, Cemal Burak
    Univ Sheffield, England.
    Wilcox, Lauren
    Univ Cambridge, England.
    Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State2021In: International Political Sociology, ISSN 1749-5679, E-ISSN 1749-5687, Vol. 15, no 3, p. 415-439Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Mass incarceration, police brutality, and border controls are part and parcel of the everyday experiences of marginalized and racialized communities across the world. Recent scholarship in international relations, sociology, and geography has examined the prevalence of these coercive practices through the prism of "disciplinary," "penal," or "authoritarian" neoliberalism. In this collective discussion, we argue that although this literature has brought to the fore neoliberalisms reliance on state violence, it has yet to interrogate how these carceral measures are linked to previous forms of global racial ordering. To rectify this moment of "colonial unknowing," the collective discussion draws on decolonial approaches, Indigenous studies, and theories of racial capitalism. It demonstrates that "new" and "neoliberal" forms of domestic control must be situated within the global longue duree of racialized and colonial accumulation by dispossession. By mapping contemporary modes of policing, incarceration, migration control, and surveillance onto earlier forms of racial-colonial subjugation, we argue that countering the violence of neoliberalism requires more than nostalgic appeals for a return to Keynesianism. What is needed is abolition-not just of the carceral archipelago, but of the very system of racial capitalism that produces and depends on these global vectors of organized violence and abandonment.

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  • 23.
    Bahram, Haqqi
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Between Tokenism and Self-Representation: Refugee-Led Advocacy and Inclusion in International Refugee Policy2020Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    There have been increasing efforts at the international level to make migrants and refugees’ participation and inclusion in policy more meaningful. Yet, little is known on their perspectives about these possibilities and the outcomes of these efforts. Drawing on the case of one refugee-led initiative, the Network for Refugee Voice (NRV), in attending the drafting process of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), this paper describes the refugee-led advocacy approach to attaining meaningful participation and representation on high policy platforms, including the United Nations organizations. I examine NRV members’ experience of advocating for refugee inclusion against a background of recent international commitment to refugees’ meaningful participation. Based on interviews, my analysis identifies the achievements as self-evaluated by NRV members as well as the challenges they face while highlighting the obstacles and opportunities for a more inclusive international refugee policy.

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  • 24.
    Bahram, Haqqi
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Kurdish guests or Syrian refugees? Identity, belonging and intra-ethnic displacement2020Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 25.
    Bahram, Haqqi
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Too little too late?: naturalisation of stateless Kurds and transitional justice in Syria2021In: Statelessness, governance, and the problem of citizenship / [ed] Tendayi Bloom, Lindsey N. Kingston, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021, p. 264-275Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 26.
    Bahram, Haqqi
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Towards a Stateless Standpoint Epistemology2021In: Statelessness and Citizenship Review, ISSN 2652-1814, Vol. 3, no 1, p. 113-119Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 27.
    Bahram, Haqqi
    et al.
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    McGee, Thomas
    Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness, Melbourne Law School.
    Kurdes syriens : après l’exil, l’apatridie en Europe2021In: Plein droit, ISSN 0987-3260, Vol. 128, p. 15-18Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [fr]

    Des millions de Syriens ont demandé l’asile à l’étranger, d’abord dans les pays voisins puis en Europe occidentale. Parmi eux, de très nombreux Kurdes ont été rendus apatrides par l’État syrien. Confrontés à des systèmes d’asile européens peu au fait des questions d’apatridie, ils se heurtent à des difficultés parfois insurmontables pour faire reconnaître leur statut d’apatride, puis pour obtenir la naturalisation. Ces obstacles et cette impossibilité d’accéder à des solutions durables peuvent entraîner exclusion sociale et non-intégration au sein de la société d’accueil.

  • 28. Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Schierup, Carl-UlrikLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility2023Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility spells out a plea for utopia in a crisis-ridden 21st century of unequal development, exclusionary citizenship, and forced migrations. The volume offers a collection of critical essays on human rights movements, sanctuary spaces, and the emplacement of antiracist conviviality in cities across North and South America, Europe, and Africa. Each intervention proceeds from the idea that cities may accommodate both a humanistic sensibility and a radical potential for social transformation. The figure of the 'migrant' is pivotal. It expounds the prospect of transversal solidarity to capture a plurality of commonalities and to abjure dichotomies between in-group and out-group, the national and the international, or society and institutions. 

  • 29.
    Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Ålborg University, Denmark.
    Schierup, Carl-UlrikLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility2022Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 30. Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    Schierup, Carl-Ulrik
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility. Introduction2023In: Contending Global Apartheid: Transversal Solidarities and Politics of Possibility / [ed] Martin Bak Jørgensen & Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Chicago: Haymarket , 2023, p. 1-22Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 31.
    Bak Jørgensen, Martin
    et al.
    DEMOS, Aalborg Universitet, Denmark.
    Schierup, Carl-Ulrik
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Transversal Solidarities and the City: An Introduction to the Special Issue2021In: Critical Sociology, ISSN 0896-9205, E-ISSN 1569-1632, Vol. 47, no 6, p. 845-855Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The special issue contributes to the exploration of transversal solidarities counterpoised to anexhausted neoliberalism on the one hand and a xenophobic populism on the other. It trackscontours of a multifarious countermovement, traversing ‘race’, class and gender, driven byreimaginings of the common and the renewal of democracy. The emphasis is on the understandingof contending urban justice movements, welcoming communities and their liaisons in a multiscale(local, national, transnational) perspective. A collection of theoretically informed papers discussescases from urban contexts of Europe and the United States, all riveted by schisms of class, ‘race’/ethnicity and gender, occupied by the ‘migration’ issue and challenged by contending movementsfor social cum environmental sustainability. Exploring examples of social movements and formsof mobilisation in different contexts, the overarching aim is to retrieve options for transversalsolidarities transcending identities while focusing on commonalities.

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    Special Issue: Transversal Solidarities and the City
  • 32.
    Barot, Shabane
    et al.
    Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Bredström, AnnaLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.Mulinari, ShaiLunds universitet, Lund, Sverige.Shutzberg, ManiSödertörns högskola, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Genetik och ras2020Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 33.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Incorporation of children of immigrants: the case of descendants of immigrants from Turkey in Sweden2013In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN 0141-9870, E-ISSN 1466-4356, Vol. 36, no 12, p. 2141-2159Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper investigates how children of immigrants from Turkey are integrated into Swedish society. The educational achievements and labour market outcomes of this group are compared with the performance of the offspring of native-born parents. The aim of the study is to explore whether we can observe a tendency towards downward mobility among young people of immigrant background in Sweden and thereby provide reflections on the existing formulation of the segmented assimilation theory. Findings show that descendants of immigrants seem not to be in the process of downward assimilation, that is, social exclusion and therefore formation of a distinct underclass in Sweden. The concept of subordinate inclusion is a more appropriate description of the experiences of children of immigrants.

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  • 34.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market2008In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies, ISSN 1369-183X, E-ISSN 1469-9451, Vol. 34, no 3, p. 411-430Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines the probability of success for different methods of finding employment in the Swedish labour market, in times of both economic growth and decline. Existing West European studies on hiring processes have not allowed researchers to examine the relationship between job contacts and wage income among various groups of immigrants. Since our dataset is sufficiently large, this article examines job-finding strategies and labour market outcomes for individuals within two large groups, immigrants and natives. By studying those who have been in their current jobs for one year or less, the paper investigates to what extent both natives and immigrants use their social networks to find a job, and how informal job-finding methods are related to the rate of return in the Swedish labour market for the job secured, in terms of hourly wage. The findings show that immigrants, compared to natives, are less likely to be able to find jobs through informal methods and that jobs found through informal methods do not pay as well for immigrants as for natives.

  • 35.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Marriage Pattern of Immigrants in Sweden2010In: Journal of Comparative Family Studies, ISSN 0047-2328, E-ISSN 1929-9850, Vol. 41, no 3, p. 415-Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is (a) to depict the general pattern of partnership of Immigrants and their children in Sweden and their position in the Swedish "marriage market" relative to that of natives; (b) to estimate probability of out-marriage of individuals from different immigrant groups with natives; and (c) to examine exchange theory in relation to partnerships between immigrants and natives. Using a register data-set provided by Statistics Sweden, I find that individuals in this sample tend to choose men and women who are like themselves in socio-economic background, income, educational level, and position in the labour market. Regarding "immigrant background," the results indicate a tendency towards "ethnic endogamy." Results also show that men and women with origins in countries outside northwest Europe and North America (ONW) have a lower probability of having a native partner than others. Empirical results also provide some support for "exchange theory," that is, members of the ONW Immigrant group with native partners have compensated for their "tribal stigma of race/ethnicity" with their age and educational differences. They tend to be younger and better-educated than their native partners.

  • 36.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Social capital and Stigmatised Immigrants2009In: European perspectives on exclusion and subordination: the political economy of migration / [ed] Neergaard Anders, Maastricht: Shaker Publishing , 2009, 1, p. 232-237Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 37.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Social Capital and Stratification of Young People2013In: Social Inclusion, E-ISSN 2183-2803, Vol. 1, no 1, p. 46-58Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper addresses the impact of social capital on the status attainment process of young people at the start of their careers and examines how social class, gender and ethnicity affect the accumulation of social capital and thereby labour market stratification of young people. A sample of young Swedes graduating from vocational schools and universities between 2005 and 2006, was surveyed via the telephone about their experiences acquiring jobs. Two re­search questions are posed: (i) Which characteristics (class, gender and ethnicity) affect young people's access to more social capital? (ii) How is social capital rewarded in the labour market? The results show that being female, coming from the lower social classes and being a member of a stigmatized immigrant groupare associated with a substantial social capital deficit. When socioeconomic and demographic backgrounds as well as the human capital of respondents are controlled, social capital is positively associated with salary level. The results indicate that social capital is a significant factor in the stratification process of young people.

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  • 38.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    The Distribution and Return of Social Capital: Evidence from Sweden2007In: European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association, ISSN 1461-6696, E-ISSN 1469-8307, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 383-407Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper studies the role of social capital in the status attainment process and examines the link between the hiring process and the potential pool of social capital embedded in a person's network. The analysis is based on a sample of people newly employed by the municipal services in Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. Jobs in this sector of labour market are mainly low-paid, and are dominated by women and immigrants. The position generator method is used to measure social capital, understood as assets captured by individuals in social networks. The findings demonstrate that access to social capital is positively related to work experience, a higher educational level, having a partner, and active membership of voluntary associations. It is also apparent that being an immigrant is associated with a substantial social capital deficit. Regarding the return on capital, the results show that both human capital and social capital were rewarded with higher wages and more adequate jobs. Furthermore, we found that social capital is associated with better labour market outcomes, whether or not respondents reported that they obtained their current jobs using informal job-search methods. Results also show similar returns on access to social capital for natives and immigrants.

  • 39.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    THE ETHNIC PENALTY: IMMIGRATION, EDUCATION AND THE LABOUR MARKET2013In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN 0141-9870, E-ISSN 1466-4356, Vol. 36, no 5, p. 915-916Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]


  • 40.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Unequal Opportunities for Young People with Immigrant Backgrounds in the Swedish Labour Market2004In: Labour, ISSN 1121-7081, Vol. 18, no 4, p. 633-660Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Abstract. This paper investigates labour-market performance for 'young people with immigrant backgrounds' and those 'born in Sweden with native-born parents' in the Swedish labour market. It focuses on young people who were aged 18–20 during 1990, and their labour-market status after 8 years, in 1998. The results indicate that young people of immigrant descent have lower annual wage income and are at higher risk of not being employed than those born in Sweden with native-born parents. Differences in human capital characteristics cannot explain these results. Other theories, which stress the effect of discriminatory behaviour and the power of social network composition, are discussed as alternative interpretations. Having one native-born parent is considered to be important to labour market success. However, having a native-born father rather than a native-born mother is associated with better labour-market achievement.

  • 41. Order onlineBuy this publication >>
    Behtoui, Alireza
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Unequal Opportunities: The Impact of Social Capital and Recruitment Methods on Immigrants and Their Children in the Swedish Labour Market2006Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis consists of an introduction and three self-contained studies on the impact of social capital on individuals’ labour market outcomes. It focuses on labour market conditions for immigrants and their children in Sweden. The central research questions of the thesis are twofold. First, what individual characteristics, such as educational level, gender and country of origin, enhance or hinder access to social capital, and how well is social capital rewarded in the labour market compared with education and work experience? Second, does the stigmatized social identity of some immigrant groups affect their access to social capital, and to what degree does such a social capital ‘deficit’ affect their labour market outcomes? The results demonstrate that inequality between immigrants (and their children) and natives (and their children) in access to networks with valuable resources of social capital is an important issue in their labour market outcomes.

    List of papers
    1. Unequal Opportunities for Young People with Immigrant Backgrounds in the Swedish Labour Market
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>Unequal Opportunities for Young People with Immigrant Backgrounds in the Swedish Labour Market
    2004 (English)In: Labour, ISSN 1121-7081, Vol. 18, no 4, p. 633-660Article in journal (Refereed) Published
    Abstract [en]

    Abstract. This paper investigates labour-market performance for 'young people with immigrant backgrounds' and those 'born in Sweden with native-born parents' in the Swedish labour market. It focuses on young people who were aged 18–20 during 1990, and their labour-market status after 8 years, in 1998. The results indicate that young people of immigrant descent have lower annual wage income and are at higher risk of not being employed than those born in Sweden with native-born parents. Differences in human capital characteristics cannot explain these results. Other theories, which stress the effect of discriminatory behaviour and the power of social network composition, are discussed as alternative interpretations. Having one native-born parent is considered to be important to labour market success. However, having a native-born father rather than a native-born mother is associated with better labour-market achievement.

    National Category
    Social Sciences
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-14146 (URN)10.1111/j.1121-7081.2004.00281.x (DOI)
    Available from: 2006-11-21 Created: 2006-11-21 Last updated: 2020-01-22Bibliographically approved
    2. Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>Informal Recruitment Methods and Disadvantages of Immigrants in the Swedish Labour Market
    2008 (English)In: Journal of ethnic and migration studies, ISSN 1369-183X, E-ISSN 1469-9451, Vol. 34, no 3, p. 411-430Article in journal (Refereed) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This paper examines the probability of success for different methods of finding employment in the Swedish labour market, in times of both economic growth and decline. Existing West European studies on hiring processes have not allowed researchers to examine the relationship between job contacts and wage income among various groups of immigrants. Since our dataset is sufficiently large, this article examines job-finding strategies and labour market outcomes for individuals within two large groups, immigrants and natives. By studying those who have been in their current jobs for one year or less, the paper investigates to what extent both natives and immigrants use their social networks to find a job, and how informal job-finding methods are related to the rate of return in the Swedish labour market for the job secured, in terms of hourly wage. The findings show that immigrants, compared to natives, are less likely to be able to find jobs through informal methods and that jobs found through informal methods do not pay as well for immigrants as for natives.

    Job-Finding Methods; Social Networks; Immigrants; Swedish Labour Market
    National Category
    International Migration and Ethnic Relations
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-14147 (URN)10.1080/13691830701880251 (DOI)
    Available from: 2006-11-21 Created: 2006-11-21 Last updated: 2020-01-22Bibliographically approved
    3. The Distribution and Return of Social Capital: Evidence from Sweden
    Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Distribution and Return of Social Capital: Evidence from Sweden
    2007 (English)In: European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association, ISSN 1461-6696, E-ISSN 1469-8307, Vol. 9, no 3, p. 383-407Article in journal (Refereed) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This paper studies the role of social capital in the status attainment process and examines the link between the hiring process and the potential pool of social capital embedded in a person's network. The analysis is based on a sample of people newly employed by the municipal services in Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden. Jobs in this sector of labour market are mainly low-paid, and are dominated by women and immigrants. The position generator method is used to measure social capital, understood as assets captured by individuals in social networks. The findings demonstrate that access to social capital is positively related to work experience, a higher educational level, having a partner, and active membership of voluntary associations. It is also apparent that being an immigrant is associated with a substantial social capital deficit. Regarding the return on capital, the results show that both human capital and social capital were rewarded with higher wages and more adequate jobs. Furthermore, we found that social capital is associated with better labour market outcomes, whether or not respondents reported that they obtained their current jobs using informal job-search methods. Results also show similar returns on access to social capital for natives and immigrants.

    social capital, hiring process, immigrants
    National Category
    International Migration and Ethnic Relations
    urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-14148 (URN)10.1080/14616690701314093 (DOI)
    Available from: 2006-11-21 Created: 2006-11-21 Last updated: 2020-01-22Bibliographically approved
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  • 42.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    School of Social Sciences, Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Boreus, Kristina
    Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Yazdanpanah, Soheyla
    School of Culture and Education, Södertörn University, Huddinge, Sweden.
    Why are care workers from the global south disadvantaged? Inequality and discrimination in Swedish elderly care work2020In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN 0141-9870, E-ISSN 1466-4356, Vol. 43, no 16, p. 155-174Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Using quantitative and qualitative methods, this study investigates inequalities in occupational status and wages between native-born and foreign-born employees in elderly care institutions in Sweden. It finds that employees from Africa, Asia and Latin America - the "Global South" - are disadvantaged in both respects. Combinatory explanations of the inequalities are needed. The shorter work experience of foreign-born workers in the care sector plus the lesser value given to educational credentials obtained outside Sweden are among the factors related to human capital theory. Access to less-valuable resources in the workplace social networks of foreign-born employees is related to social capital theory. The processes that result in exclusion from powerful social networks, in turn, are found to be affected by discrimination in the workplace.

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  • 43.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Södertörns högskola, Sverige.
    Hertzberg, Fredrik
    Stockholms universitet, Sverige.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Inledning2020In: Ungdomars fritidsaktiviteter: Deltagande, möjligheter och konsekvenser / [ed] Alireza Behtoui, Fredrik Hertzberg & Anders Neergaard, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, 1, p. 13-36Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Södertörns högskola, Sverige.
    Hertzberg, Fredrik
    Stockholms universitet, Sverige.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Segregerade skolor, segregerade fritidsaktiviteter2023In: Prevention med barn och unga: teori och praktik för socialt och pedagogiskt arbete / [ed] Torbjörn Forkby, Sofia Enell, Johanna Thulin, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2023, 1, p. 359-378Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 45.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Södertörns högskola och Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, Sverige.
    Hertzberg, FredrikInstitutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet, Stockholm, Sverige.Neergaard, AndersLinköping University, Department of Culture and Society, Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO). Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society.
    Ungdomars fritidsaktiviteter - Deltagande, möjligheter och konsekvenser.2020Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I Ungdomars fritidsaktiviteter studeras fritidsaktiviteter och dess betydelse för ungdomar. Vilka är engagerade i fritidsaktiviteter och vilka är det inte? Förstärker aktiviteterna skillnader mellan unga med olika klassbakgrund, etnicitet eller kön, eller kan de bidra till en positiv utveckling för unga från resurssvaga familjer? Forskningen om fritidsaktiviteter är ett växande fält inom pedagogik, psykologi, socialt arbete och sociologi. Boken vänder sig till studenter i dessa ämnen och till lärare, fritidspedagoger, studie- och yrkesvägledare samt övriga som arbetar med ungdomar och ungdomsfrågor - praktiskt och i forskning.

  • 46.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Perceptions of Discrimination in Recruitment and the Workplace 2009In: Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, ISSN 1556-2948, Vol. 7, no 4, p. 347-369Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Previous Swedish studies show that, due to stigmatization and discrimination, immigrants occupy inferior positions in the labor market. This article investigates the extent to which natives and immigrants perceive discrimination of immigrants establishes the discrepancy between concrete and abstract attitudes about discrimination, and evaluates the assimilation hypothesis and the consciousness hypothesis as alternative explanations of perceived discrimination by immigrants. Data for this study came from a survey of individuals employed by the Malm municipality. The results show that, concerning abstract attitudes, natives hold largely the same opinion about discrimination against immigrants as do immigrants themselves, and that there is a significant difference between concrete and abstract perceptions of discrimination among natives and immigrants. But immigrants embrace stronger positions than do natives on the prevalence of discrimination in the workplace. With one exception, our results tend to be more in line with the consciousness perspective.

  • 47.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Social capital and the educational achievement of young people in Sweden2016In: British Journal of Sociology of Education, ISSN 0142-5692, Vol. 37, no 7, p. 947-969Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Based on Bourdieu’s conceptualization of social capital (the social stratification perspective), this study examines the impact of social capital on the educational outcomes of young people in Sweden, with a focus on the extra-familial aspect of social capital – that is, social capital generated by parental networks and active membership in various social organizations and friendship networks. The results indicate that the class background of respondents is the main predictor of access to all three forms of extra-familial social capital. However, after controlling for class background, the children of racialized immigrant groups are more likely to have access to more types of social capital than others. All three aspects of extra-familial social capital positively influence the educational performance of pupils.

  • 48.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Social capital and wage differentials between immigrants and natives2010In: Work, Employment and Society, ISSN 0950-0170, E-ISSN 1469-8722, Vol. 24, no 4, p. 761-779Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates the characteristics that affect access to social capital for employees in a single industrial firm in Sweden, and the impact of their social capital on their monthly salaries. The results demonstrate that being a member of a stigmatised immigrant group is associated with a substantial social capital deficit. This deficit arises because immigrant workers are embedded in social networks that constrain their ability to acquire valuable social resources or are excluded from social networks with valuable resources. Another finding is that the average salary earned by members of stigmatised immigrant groups is lower than that earned by native-born workers. The observed wage gap cannot be explained by ‘human capital’ variables. However, when social capital variables were taken into account, wage gaps noticeably shrank, which indicates that part of the wage disadvantage experienced by immigrants is likely to represent the impact of unequal access to social capital.

  • 49.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies.
     Social capital and wage disadvantages among immigrant workers2010In: Work, Employment and Society, ISSN 0950-0170, E-ISSN 1469-8722, Vol. 24, no 4, p. 761-779Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

     This study investigates the characteristics that affect access to social capital for employees in a single industrial firm in Sweden, and the impact of their social capital on their monthly salaries. The results demonstrate that being a member of a stigmatised immigrant group is associated with a substantial social capital deficit. This deficit arises because immigrant workers are embedded in social networks that constrain their ability to acquire valuable social resources or are excluded from social networks with valuable resources. Another finding is that the average salary earned by members of stigmatised immigrant groups is lower than that earned by native-born workers. The observed wage gap cannot be explained by ‘human capital’ variables. However, when social capital variables were taken into account, wage gaps noticeably shrank, which indicates that part of the wage disadvantage experienced by immigrants is likely to represent the impact of unequal access to social capital.

  • 50.
    Behtoui, Alireza
    et al.
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Neergaard, Anders
    Linköping University, REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society. Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies. Linköping University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
    Social capital, status and income attainment in the workplace2012In: International journal of sociology and social policy, ISSN 0144-333X, E-ISSN 1758-6720, Vol. 32, no 1/2, p. 42-55Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of social capital in the workplace. To be more precise, we ask whether access to social capital is associated with differences in the wages and status of employees within the organization.

    Design/methodology/approach - We used data from a case study of the status attainment of employees in a Swedish industrial firm.

    Findings - Results demonstrate that: (a) the socioeconomic background, gender and "migrant backgrounds" of employees have an impact on their access to resource-rich networks; and (b) there is a positive association between access to social capital and position in the organization, even after control for employees’ education and labor market experience.

    Research limitations/implications - The case study approach of the paper has its own characteristic limitations. At the same time the cross-sectional data open up the possibility of reverse causality. The analysis includes only individuals who were still working, while we know from the fieldwork that some former employees have taken early retirement or disability pensions due to occupational injury.

    Originality/value - The focus of the paper is on the process of status attainment of subordinate groups (individuals from lower socioeconomic groups, individuals with stigmatized migrant backgrounds, and women), which is an under-researched issue in organizational studies. Therefore, we ask whether the subordinate status of employees has an impact on their access to social capital in the place of work.

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