Applied ethics is a growing, interdisciplinary field dealing with ethical problems in different areas of society. It includes for instance social and political ethics, computer ethics, medical ethics, bioethics, envi-ronmental ethics, business ethics, and it also relates to different forms of professional ethics.
From the perspective of ethics, applied ethics is a specialisation in one area of ethics. From the perspective of social practice applying eth-ics is to focus on ethical aspects and implications of that particular practice.
The Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics is supported by the European Union. The programme is a collaboration between three European universities; Linköping University, The Centre for Ap-plied Ethics, (Sweden), Utrecht University, the Ethics Institute, (The Netherlands), and the Norwegian University of Science and Technol-ogy, Department of Philosophy, Programme for Applied Ethics (Nor-way).
Each year, the programme starts with a common introduction for all students. During this introduction, the teachers present different per-spectives on applied ethics. In this volume the introductions are pub-lished. They give a broad view of different aspects on applied ethics.
Göran Collste
Programme coordinator