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ACSIS publications
Acta iuris Lincopensis (Closed down 2004-12-31)
Agtech innovation
Arbetsnotat / Linköpings universitet, Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier
Arbetsnotat / Program Energisystem
Arbetsrapporter i Språk och Kultur (ASK) (Closed down 2014-12-31)
Arbetsrapport från Tema Ä (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Arbetsrapport från Tema K (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Årsredovisning, Linköpings universitet
Biogas Research Center (BRC) Report
CARER Rapport
Centrum för klimatpolitisk forskning Rapportserie
Centrum för lokalhistoria rapportserie (Closed down 1998-12-31)
Civilingenjör, EKI (Closed down 2005-12-31)
CKS Arbetsnotat (Closed down 2003-12-31)
CKS Rapport / Linköpings universitet, Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier
CMTO Research Papers (Closed down 2005-12-31)
CMT Rapport
CSPR Brief
CSPR Briefing (Closed down 2023-12-31)
CUL-rapporter (Closed down 2014-12-31)
CUP:s rapportserie (Closed down 2000-12-31)
DINO Rapport
Dissertation from the Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT). Dissertation
Dissertation from the Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT). Licentiate theses
Dissertations from the International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Engineering
Doktorsavhandlingar inom den nationella forskarskolan i pedagogiskt arbete
Executive Master in Project Management (Closed down 2018-12-31)
FiF-avhandling - Filosofiska fakulteten – Linköpings universitet
Filosofen : StuFF:s kårtidning (Closed down 2010-12-31)
Filosofin i samhället: en skriftserie från avdelningen för Filosofi och Tillämpad Etik
FOG rapport (Closed down 2016-12-31)
FOG Samlingsvolym (Closed down 1999-12-31)
Forums skriftserie (Closed down 2011-12-31)
FoU-rapport / FoU-centrum för vård, omsorg och socialt arbete
FoU-rapporter vid Institutionen för omvårdnadsforskning (Closed down 1996-12-31)
Geografiska meddelanden / Avdelningen för geografi, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2003-12-31)
Göta kanal – forskning från Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2001-12-31)
Hälsouniversitetets rapportserie (Closed down 2007-12-31)
HELIX research reports (Closed down 2009-12-31)
HELIX working papers
Historia i Linköping
IHS Rapport (Closed down 2011-12-31)
IKOS: Installationer
IMIE Research Report (Closed down 2006-12-31)
IMIE Working Paper (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Innovativa kommuner / Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Institute for Analytical Sociology Dissertation Series
International Master's Programme in International and European Relations (Closed down 2008-09-02)
International Master's Programme in Strategy and Culture (Closed down 2008-09-02)
ITN research report (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Jämställdhets- och genusrapporter vid LiU (Closed down 2004-12-31)
Kinda Canal Research at Linköping University (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Kronos (Closed down 1991-12-31)
Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics
Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
LiH-RAD-R - Report / Institutionen för radiologi, Universitetet i Linköping
Linköping Dissertations on Health and Society (Closed down 2017-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science (Closed down 2012-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles in Mechanical Engineering (Closed down 2002-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles on Academic Policies and Trends
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Linköping – Mätning av Psykosocial Arbetsmiljö (LiMPA)
Linköping Studies in Art and Visual Communication
Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences
Linköping Studies in Behavioural Science
Linköping Studies in Economics (Closed down 2022-06-22)
Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology (Closed down 2007-06-30)
Linköping studies in education and social sciences
Linköping Studies in Health Sciences. Thesis
Linköping Studies in Identity and Pluralism (Closed down 2013-01-01)
Linköping Studies in Information Science. Dissertation (Closed down 2009-12-31)
Linköping Studies in Management and Economics. Dissertations (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Linköping Studies in Mathematics
Linköping Studies in Pedagogic Practices
Linköping Studies in Religion and Religious Education
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate Thesis
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Thesis (Closed down 2017-12-31)
Linköping studies in Social Policy
Linköping Studies in Social Work and Welfare
Linköping Studies in Statistics
Linköpings universitets rapportserie för livslångt lärande och uppdragsutbildningar
Linköping University Electronic Press Workshop and Conference Collection
Linköping University Interdisciplinary Studies
Linköping University Medical Dissertations
Linköping University Working Papers in Economics (Closed down 2022-06-22)
LiTH-IFM-R / Institutionen för fysik och mätteknik, Universitetet i Linköping
LiTH-IKP-Ex (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LiTH-IKP-Ex-Ing (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LITH-IKP-R (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LITH-IKP-S (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LiTH-ISY-Ex (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LiTH-ISY-Ex-ET (Closed down 2009-09-02)
LiTH-ISY-I (Closed down 1993-12-31)
LiU magasin
LIU-PEK-AR / Institutionen för pedagogik och psykologi (1984-1992) (Closed down 1992-12-31)
LiU-PEK-R / Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (2007-2024) (Closed down 2024-12-04)
LiU-PEK-R / Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (2000-2006) (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LiU-PEK-R / Rapport / Institutionen för pedagogik och psykologi (1994-2000) (Closed down 2000-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Affärsjuridiska programmet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Ekonomprogrammet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Internationella ekonomprogrammet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Företagsekonomi (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Nationalekonomi (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Statsvetenskap (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Mediehistoriskt arkiv
MIMER - nationellt program för folkbildningsforskning
Mimers småskriftserie
Nationalekonomi (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik
Pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete (Linköping) (Closed down 1986-12-31)
Personal- och organisationsutvecklingsstudier : rapport (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Perspektiv på tekniken / Tema teknik och social förändring
PrioC Access: en kort rapport från Prioriteringscentrum
Profil : produktionsekonomisk forskning i Linköping (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Rapport / Flyktingmedicinskt centrum, Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping
Rapport / Kontaktsekretariatet vid Universitetet i Linköping
Rapport / Prioriteringscentrum: Nationellt kunskapscentrum för prioriteringar inom vård och omsorg
Rapport / Universitetet i Linköping, Institutionen för pedagogik och psykolog (1984-1993) (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Rapporter från Åldrande och social förändring
Rapport från Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier (Closed down 2010-12-31)
Rapportserie / Filosofiska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet
Report / Institutionen för radiofysik, Universitetet i Linköping, 1990-1997 (Closed down 1997-12-31)
Report / Institutionen för radiofysik, Universitetet i Linköping, 1998-
Report / Institutionen för radiologi, Universitetet i Linköping, 1975-1989 (Closed down 1989-12-31)
Report - Linköpings högskola, Institutionen för radiologi, 1973-1975 (Closed down 1975-12-31)
Reports from the Master's Programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies - R.E.M.S.
Reports in Applied Mechanics
Research Report on childhood and the study of children
Research Square
Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality
SIC (Linköping) (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Skapande, vetande / Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2009-12-31)
Skrifter från Forum för ämnesdidaktik Linköpings universitet
Skrifter från Forum för utomhuspedagogik
Skrifter från NISAL (Closed down 2018-12-13)
Skriftserie / Tema, Kultur och samhälle, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2013-01-01)
Skriftserie i logopedi
Socialhistoria i Linköping (Closed down 2014-04-30)
Sociologi i Linköping (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Statens offentliga utredningar
Studier av vuxenutbildning, folkbildning och högre utbildning (Closed down 2014-12-31)
Studier av vuxenutbildning och folkbildning
Studies from the Swedish Institute for Disability Research (Closed down 2022-09-20)
Studies in Disability Research
Studies in Language and Culture
Studies in Science and Technology Education
Technical reports in Computer and Information Science
Tekniska högskolans rapporter (online) (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Tema G rapport
Temagruppen integration i arbetslivet (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Tema-T arbetsnotat
Tema T Rapport
Tema V report (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Texter om svenska med didaktisk inriktning
The IAS Working Paper Series
ThemES - Themes on Migration and Ethnic Studies
Undervisningsrapport (Closed down 1999-12-31)
Utveckling, lärande och forskning: praktiknära forskning
Vuxenutbildarcentrums rapportserie. Serie R (Closed down 1990-12-31)
Vuxenutbildarcentrums skriftserie (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Working papers on childhood and the study of children (Closed down 2005-12-31)
ACSIS publications
Acta iuris Lincopensis (Closed down 2004-12-31)
Agtech innovation
Arbetsnotat / Linköpings universitet, Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier
Arbetsnotat / Program Energisystem
Arbetsrapporter i Språk och Kultur (ASK) (Closed down 2014-12-31)
Arbetsrapport från Tema Ä (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Arbetsrapport från Tema K (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Årsredovisning, Linköpings universitet
Biogas Research Center (BRC) Report
CARER Rapport
Centrum för klimatpolitisk forskning Rapportserie
Centrum för lokalhistoria rapportserie (Closed down 1998-12-31)
Civilingenjör, EKI (Closed down 2005-12-31)
CKS Arbetsnotat (Closed down 2003-12-31)
CKS Rapport / Linköpings universitet, Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier
CMTO Research Papers (Closed down 2005-12-31)
CMT Rapport
CSPR Brief
CSPR Briefing (Closed down 2023-12-31)
CUL-rapporter (Closed down 2014-12-31)
CUP:s rapportserie (Closed down 2000-12-31)
DINO Rapport
Dissertation from the Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT). Dissertation
Dissertation from the Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT). Licentiate theses
Dissertations from the International Graduate School of Management and Industrial Engineering
Doktorsavhandlingar inom den nationella forskarskolan i pedagogiskt arbete
Executive Master in Project Management (Closed down 2018-12-31)
FiF-avhandling - Filosofiska fakulteten – Linköpings universitet
Filosofen : StuFF:s kårtidning (Closed down 2010-12-31)
Filosofin i samhället: en skriftserie från avdelningen för Filosofi och Tillämpad Etik
FOG rapport (Closed down 2016-12-31)
FOG Samlingsvolym (Closed down 1999-12-31)
Forums skriftserie (Closed down 2011-12-31)
FoU-rapport / FoU-centrum för vård, omsorg och socialt arbete
FoU-rapporter vid Institutionen för omvårdnadsforskning (Closed down 1996-12-31)
Geografiska meddelanden / Avdelningen för geografi, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2003-12-31)
Göta kanal – forskning från Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2001-12-31)
Hälsouniversitetets rapportserie (Closed down 2007-12-31)
HELIX research reports (Closed down 2009-12-31)
HELIX working papers
Historia i Linköping
IHS Rapport (Closed down 2011-12-31)
IKOS: Installationer
IMIE Research Report (Closed down 2006-12-31)
IMIE Working Paper (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Innovativa kommuner / Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Institute for Analytical Sociology Dissertation Series
International Master's Programme in International and European Relations (Closed down 2008-09-02)
International Master's Programme in Strategy and Culture (Closed down 2008-09-02)
ITN research report (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Jämställdhets- och genusrapporter vid LiU (Closed down 2004-12-31)
Kinda Canal Research at Linköping University (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Kronos (Closed down 1991-12-31)
Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics
Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
LiH-RAD-R - Report / Institutionen för radiologi, Universitetet i Linköping
Linköping Dissertations on Health and Society (Closed down 2017-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science (Closed down 2012-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles in Mechanical Engineering (Closed down 2002-12-31)
Linköping Electronic Articles on Academic Policies and Trends
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
Linköping – Mätning av Psykosocial Arbetsmiljö (LiMPA)
Linköping Studies in Art and Visual Communication
Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences
Linköping Studies in Behavioural Science
Linköping Studies in Economics (Closed down 2022-06-22)
Linköping Studies in Education and Psychology (Closed down 2007-06-30)
Linköping studies in education and social sciences
Linköping Studies in Health Sciences. Thesis
Linköping Studies in Identity and Pluralism (Closed down 2013-01-01)
Linköping Studies in Information Science. Dissertation (Closed down 2009-12-31)
Linköping Studies in Management and Economics. Dissertations (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Linköping Studies in Mathematics
Linköping Studies in Pedagogic Practices
Linköping Studies in Religion and Religious Education
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate Thesis
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Thesis (Closed down 2017-12-31)
Linköping studies in Social Policy
Linköping Studies in Social Work and Welfare
Linköping Studies in Statistics
Linköpings universitets rapportserie för livslångt lärande och uppdragsutbildningar
Linköping University Electronic Press Workshop and Conference Collection
Linköping University Interdisciplinary Studies
Linköping University Medical Dissertations
Linköping University Working Papers in Economics (Closed down 2022-06-22)
LiTH-IFM-R / Institutionen för fysik och mätteknik, Universitetet i Linköping
LiTH-IKP-Ex (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LiTH-IKP-Ex-Ing (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LITH-IKP-R (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LITH-IKP-S (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LiTH-ISY-Ex (Closed down 2005-12-31)
LiTH-ISY-Ex-ET (Closed down 2009-09-02)
LiTH-ISY-I (Closed down 1993-12-31)
LiU magasin
LIU-PEK-AR / Institutionen för pedagogik och psykologi (1984-1992) (Closed down 1992-12-31)
LiU-PEK-R / Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (2007-2024) (Closed down 2024-12-04)
LiU-PEK-R / Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (2000-2006) (Closed down 2006-12-31)
LiU-PEK-R / Rapport / Institutionen för pedagogik och psykologi (1994-2000) (Closed down 2000-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Affärsjuridiska programmet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Ekonomprogrammet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats från Internationella ekonomprogrammet (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Företagsekonomi (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Nationalekonomi (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Magisteruppsats i Statsvetenskap (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Mediehistoriskt arkiv
MIMER - nationellt program för folkbildningsforskning
Mimers småskriftserie
Nationalekonomi (Closed down 2008-09-02)
Naturvetenskapernas och teknikens didaktik
Pedagogiskt utvecklingsarbete (Linköping) (Closed down 1986-12-31)
Personal- och organisationsutvecklingsstudier : rapport (Closed down 1993-12-31)
Perspektiv på tekniken / Tema teknik och social förändring
PrioC Access: en kort rapport från Prioriteringscentrum
Profil : produktionsekonomisk forskning i Linköping (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Rapport / Flyktingmedicinskt centrum, Universitetssjukhuset i Linköping
Rapport / Kontaktsekretariatet vid Universitetet i Linköping
Rapport / Prioriteringscentrum: Nationellt kunskapscentrum för prioriteringar inom vård och omsorg
Rapport / Universitetet i Linköping, Institutionen för pedagogik och psykolog (1984-1993) (Closed down 2007-12-31)
Rapporter från Åldrande och social förändring
Rapport från Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier (Closed down 2010-12-31)
Rapportserie / Filosofiska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet
Report / Institutionen för radiofysik, Universitetet i Linköping, 1990-1997 (Closed down 1997-12-31)
Report / Institutionen för radiofysik, Universitetet i Linköping, 1998-
Report / Institutionen för radiologi, Universitetet i Linköping, 1975-1989 (Closed down 1989-12-31)
Report - Linköpings högskola, Institutionen för radiologi, 1973-1975 (Closed down 1975-12-31)
Reports from the Master's Programme in Ethnic and Migration Studies - R.E.M.S.
Reports in Applied Mechanics
Research Report on childhood and the study of children
Research Square
Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality
SIC (Linköping) (Closed down 2006-12-31)
Skapande, vetande / Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2009-12-31)
Skrifter från Forum för ämnesdidaktik Linköpings universitet
Skrifter från Forum för utomhuspedagogik
Skrifter från NISAL (Closed down 2018-12-13)
Skriftserie / Tema, Kultur och samhälle, Linköpings universitet (Closed down 2013-01-01)
Skriftserie i logopedi
Socialhistoria i Linköping (Closed down 2014-04-30)
Sociologi i Linköping (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Statens offentliga utredningar
Studier av vuxenutbildning, folkbildning och högre utbildning (Closed down 2014-12-31)
Studier av vuxenutbildning och folkbildning
Studies from the Swedish Institute for Disability Research (Closed down 2022-09-20)
Studies in Disability Research
Studies in Language and Culture
Studies in Science and Technology Education
Technical reports in Computer and Information Science
Tekniska högskolans rapporter (online) (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Tema G rapport
Temagruppen integration i arbetslivet (Closed down 2011-12-31)
Tema-T arbetsnotat
Tema T Rapport
Tema V report (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Texter om svenska med didaktisk inriktning
The IAS Working Paper Series
ThemES - Themes on Migration and Ethnic Studies
Undervisningsrapport (Closed down 1999-12-31)
Utveckling, lärande och forskning: praktiknära forskning
Vuxenutbildarcentrums rapportserie. Serie R (Closed down 1990-12-31)
Vuxenutbildarcentrums skriftserie (Closed down 2008-12-31)
Working papers on childhood and the study of children (Closed down 2005-12-31)
Research subject
Disaster Medicine
Economic Information Systems
Disaster Medicine
Economic Information Systems
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Catalan; Valencian
Dutch; Flemish
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
Sami languages (Other)
Western Frisian
Bokmål, Norwegian; Norwegian Bokmål
Catalan; Valencian
Dutch; Flemish
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Kalaallisut; Greenlandic
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian
Sami languages (Other)
Western Frisian
Publication type
Article, book review
Dissertation (older thesis)
Article, review/survey
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary
Article in journal
Doctoral thesis, monograph
Artistic output
Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary
Licentiate thesis, monograph
Chapter in book
Manuscript (preprint)
Collection (editor)
Conference paper
Conference proceedings (editor)
Epub ahead of print
In press
Epub ahead of print
In press
Content type
Other academic
Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)
Select department
Show departments that are closed down
Linköping University
Biogas Solutions Research Center
Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER)
Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR
Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (CMHB)
Communications and Marketing Division
Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
Disability Research Division
Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science
Education and Adult Learning
Education and Sociology
Education, Teaching and Learning
Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Center for Social and Affective Neuroscience
Division of Children's and Women's Health
Division of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology
Division of Inflammation and Infection
Division of Molecular Medicine and Virology
Division of Sensory Organs and Communication
Division of Services and Infrastructure
Division of Surgery, Orthopedics and Oncology
The Division of Cell and Neurobiology
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Division of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Computer and Information Science
Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems
Database and information techniques
Human-Centered Systems
Software and Systems
The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning
Department of Culture and Society
Centre for Local Government Studies
Division of Academic Swedish
Division of Ageing and Social Change
Division of Communication, Literature and Swedish
Division of Culture, Society, Design and Media
Division of History, Arts and Religious Studies
Division of Language, Culture and Interaction
Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO)
Division of Philosophy and Applied Ethics
Division of Social Work
Department of Electrical Engineering
Automatic Control
Communication Systems
Computer Engineering
Computer Vision
Information Coding
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Vehicular Systems
Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences
Division of Diagnostics and Specialist Medicine
Division of Nursing Sciences and Reproductive Health
Division of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Community Medicine
Division of Society and Health
Department of Management and Engineering
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Business Administration
Commercial and Business Law
Division of Languages for Specific Purposes
Energy Systems
Engineering Materials
Environmental Technology and Management
Fluid and Mechatronic Systems
Industrial Economics
Information Systems and Digitalization
Logistics & Quality Management
Malmstens Linköping University
Political Science
Product Realisation
Production Economics
Project Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Solid Mechanics
The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS
Department of Mathematics
Algebra, Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Analysis and Mathematics Education
Applied Mathematics
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Biophysics and bioengineering
Ecological and Environmental Modeling
Electronic and photonic materials
Materials design
Molecular Surface Physics and Nano Science
Nanostructured Materials
Plasma and Coating Physics
Semiconductor Materials
Sensor and Actuator Systems
Theoretical Physics
Thin Film Physics
Department of Science and Technology
Communications and Transport Systems
Laboratory of Organic Electronics
Media and Information Technology
Physics, Electronics and Mathematics
Department of Thematic Studies
Centre for Gender Studies
Centre for Man, Technology - Society
Department of Child Studies
Technology and Social Change
Tema Environmental Change
The Department of Gender Studies
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Dean's Office, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Core Facility
Forum Östergötland
Faculty of Science & Engineering
HELIX Competence Centre
National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)
REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society
The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS
The Swedish Institute for Disability Research
University Library
University Services
Region Östergötland
Anaesthetics, Operations and Specialty Surgery Center
Dagkirurgin Norrköping
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in Norrköping
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Department of Hand and Plastic Surgery
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Maxillofacial Unit
Neurologiska kliniken i Linköping
Operations management SC
Pain and Rehabilitation Center
Center for Diagnostics
Clinical genetics
Clinical pathology
Department of Clinical Chemistry
Department of Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Department of Clinical Physiology in Norrköping
Department of Radiology in Linköping
Department of Radiology in Motala
Department of Radiology in Norrköping
Laboratoriemedicin sjukhus
Medical radiation physics
Operations management
Patientnära laboratoriemedicin
Precisionsmedicinskt laboratorium
Center for Surgery, Orthopaedics and Cancer Treatment
Cancer- och lungsjukvårdsenheten
Dagkirurgiska enheten US
Department of Haematology
Department of Oncology
Department of Orthopaedics in Linköping
Department of Orthopaedics in Norrköping
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Surgery in Linköping
Department of Surgery in Norrköping
Department of Urology in Östergötland
Enheten för samordnad cancerutredning
Mag- tarmmedicinska kliniken
Operations management
Center of Paediatrics and Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Centrumledning BKC
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Linköping
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Norrköping
Department of Paediatrics in Norrköping
H.K.H. Kronprinsessan Victorias barn- och ungdomssjukhus
Heart Center
Department of Cardiology in Linköping
Department of Cardiology in Norrköping
Department of Clinical Physiology in Linköping
Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
Operations management HC
Hälso- och sjukvårdens stab
Local Health Care Services in Central Östergötland
Department of Activity and Health
Department of Acute Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Department of Emergency Medicine in Linköping
Operations management NSC
Local Health Care Services in East Östergötland
Department of Acute Health Care in Norrköping
Department of Advanced Home Care in Norrköping
Department of Geriatric Medicine in Norrköping
Department of Internal Medicine in Norrköping
Department of Rehabilitation in Norrköping
Operations management NSÖ
Local Health Care Services in West Östergötland
Department of Medical Specialist in Motala
Department of Rehabilitation in Motala
Operations management NSV
Medicine Center
Allergy Center
Department of Dermatology and Venerology
Department of Endocrinology
Department of Infectious Diseases
Department of Nephrology
Department of Rheumatology
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Center
Operations management MC
Rehabilitation Center HMC
Primary Care Center
1177 Vårdguiden
Center for Education in General Medicine in Östergötland
Child Health unit
Jourcentralen Linköping
Jourcentralen Motala
Jourcentralen Norrköping
Närvårdskliniken Finspång
Operations management PVC
Primary Health Care Center Borensberg
Primary Health Care Center Boxholm
Primary Health Care Center Brinken
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Centrum
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Norr
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Söder
Primary Health Care Center Ekholmen
Primary Health Care Center Finspång
Primary Health Care Center Kisa
Primary Health Care Center Kolmården
Primary Health Care Center Kungsgatan
Primary Health Care Center Kärna
Primary Health Care Center Lambohov
Primary Health Care Center Linghem
Primary Health Care Center Ljungsbro
Primary Health Care Center Lyckorna
Primary Health Care Center Mantorp
Primary Health Care Center Marieberg
Primary Health Care Center Mjölby
Primary Health Care Center Nygatan
Primary Health Care Center Ryd
Primary Health Care Center Skäggetorp
Primary Health Care Center Skänninge
Primary Health Care Center Skärblacka
Primary Health Care Center Tannefors
Primary Health Care Center Vadstena
Primary Health Care Center Valdemarsvik
Primary Health Care Center Valla
Primary Health Care Center Vikbolandet
Primary Health Care Center Åby
Primary Health Care Center Åtvidaberg
Primary Health Care Center Ödeshög
Primary Health Care Center Österbymo
Rehab Finspång
Barn- och ungdomshälsan
Center for Refugee Medicine
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Linköping
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Norrköping
Department of Dependency in Norrköping
Department of Forensic Psychiatry
Operations management PC
Psykiatriska kliniken i Linköping
Psykiatriska kliniken i Motala-Mjölby
Psykiatriska kliniken i Norrköping
Public Dental Health Care
Center for Oral Rehabilitation Linköping
Center for Oral Rehabilitation Norrköping
Center for Orofacial Medicine Linköping
Center for Orofacial Medicine Motala
Center for Orofacial Medicine Norrköping
Center for Orthodontics/Pedodontics Linköping
Center for Orthodontics/Pedodontics Norrköping
Operations management FTV
Public General Dental Health Care
Specialist dentistry in Motala
Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology
Enheten för folkhälsa
Enheten för smittskydd och vårdhygien
Forskningsstrategiska enheten
Hälso- och sjukvårdsenheten
Regional Cancer Center
Regional utveckling
Övr Regionledningskontoret
Select department
(*) Marks organisations that are closed down
Show only present organisations
Linköping University
Biogas Solutions Research Center
Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER)
Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)
Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR
Centre for Medical Humanities and Bioethics (CMHB)
Communications and Marketing Division
Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
Disability Research Division
Division of Learning, Aesthetics, Natural Science
Education and Adult Learning
Education and Sociology
Education, Teaching and Learning
Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Center for Social and Affective Neuroscience
Division of Children's and Women's Health
Division of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology
Division of Inflammation and Infection
Division of Molecular Medicine and Virology
Division of Sensory Organs and Communication
Division of Services and Infrastructure
Division of Surgery, Orthopedics and Oncology
The Division of Cell and Neurobiology
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Division of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Computer and Information Science
Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems
Database and information techniques
Human-Centered Systems
Software and Systems
The Division of Statistics and Machine Learning
Department of Culture and Society
Centre for Local Government Studies
Division of Academic Swedish
Division of Ageing and Social Change
Division of Communication, Literature and Swedish
Division of Culture, Society, Design and Media
Division of History, Arts and Religious Studies
Division of Language, Culture and Interaction
Division of Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO)
Division of Philosophy and Applied Ethics
Division of Social Work
Department of Electrical Engineering
Automatic Control
Communication Systems
Computer Engineering
Computer Vision
Information Coding
Integrated Circuits and Systems
Vehicular Systems
Department of Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences
Division of Diagnostics and Specialist Medicine
Division of Nursing Sciences and Reproductive Health
Division of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Community Medicine
Division of Society and Health
Department of Management and Engineering
Applied Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
Business Administration
Commercial and Business Law
Division of Languages for Specific Purposes
Energy Systems
Engineering Materials
Environmental Technology and Management
Fluid and Mechatronic Systems
Industrial Economics
Information Systems and Digitalization
Logistics & Quality Management
Malmstens Linköping University
Political Science
Product Realisation
Production Economics
Project Innovations and Entrepreneurship
Solid Mechanics
The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS
Department of Mathematics
Algebra, Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Analysis and Mathematics Education
Applied Mathematics
Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Biophysics and bioengineering
Ecological and Environmental Modeling
Electronic and photonic materials
Materials design
Molecular Surface Physics and Nano Science
Nanostructured Materials
Plasma and Coating Physics
Semiconductor Materials
Sensor and Actuator Systems
Theoretical Physics
Thin Film Physics
Department of Science and Technology
Communications and Transport Systems
Laboratory of Organic Electronics
Media and Information Technology
Physics, Electronics and Mathematics
Department of Thematic Studies
Centre for Gender Studies
Centre for Man, Technology - Society
Department of Child Studies
Technology and Social Change
Tema Environmental Change
The Department of Gender Studies
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Educational Sciences
Dean's Office, Faculty of Educational Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Core Facility
Forum Östergötland
Faculty of Science & Engineering
HELIX Competence Centre
National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)
REMESO - Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society
The Institute for Analytical Sociology, IAS
The Swedish Institute for Disability Research
University Library
University Services
Region Östergötland
Anaesthetics, Operations and Specialty Surgery Center
Dagkirurgin Norrköping
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in Norrköping
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Department of Hand and Plastic Surgery
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Maxillofacial Unit
Neurologiska kliniken i Linköping
Operations management SC
Pain and Rehabilitation Center
Center for Diagnostics
Clinical genetics
Clinical pathology
Department of Clinical Chemistry
Department of Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine
Department of Clinical Microbiology
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Department of Clinical Physiology in Norrköping
Department of Radiology in Linköping
Department of Radiology in Motala
Department of Radiology in Norrköping
Laboratoriemedicin sjukhus
Medical radiation physics
Operations management
Patientnära laboratoriemedicin
Precisionsmedicinskt laboratorium
Center for Surgery, Orthopaedics and Cancer Treatment
Cancer- och lungsjukvårdsenheten
Dagkirurgiska enheten US
Department of Haematology
Department of Oncology
Department of Orthopaedics in Linköping
Department of Orthopaedics in Norrköping
Department of Respiratory Medicine
Department of Surgery in Linköping
Department of Surgery in Norrköping
Department of Urology in Östergötland
Enheten för samordnad cancerutredning
Mag- tarmmedicinska kliniken
Operations management
Center of Paediatrics and Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Centrumledning BKC
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Linköping
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Norrköping
Department of Paediatrics in Norrköping
H.K.H. Kronprinsessan Victorias barn- och ungdomssjukhus
Heart Center
Department of Cardiology in Linköping
Department of Cardiology in Norrköping
Department of Clinical Physiology in Linköping
Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
Operations management HC
Hälso- och sjukvårdens stab
Local Health Care Services in Central Östergötland
Department of Activity and Health
Department of Acute Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
Department of Emergency Medicine in Linköping
Operations management NSC
Local Health Care Services in East Östergötland
Department of Acute Health Care in Norrköping
Department of Advanced Home Care in Norrköping
Department of Geriatric Medicine in Norrköping
Department of Internal Medicine in Norrköping
Department of Rehabilitation in Norrköping
Operations management NSÖ
Local Health Care Services in West Östergötland
Department of Medical Specialist in Motala
Department of Rehabilitation in Motala
Operations management NSV
Medicine Center
Allergy Center
Department of Dermatology and Venerology
Department of Endocrinology
Department of Infectious Diseases
Department of Nephrology
Department of Rheumatology
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Center
Operations management MC
Rehabilitation Center HMC
Primary Care Center
1177 Vårdguiden
Center for Education in General Medicine in Östergötland
Child Health unit
Jourcentralen Linköping
Jourcentralen Motala
Jourcentralen Norrköping
Närvårdskliniken Finspång
Operations management PVC
Primary Health Care Center Borensberg
Primary Health Care Center Boxholm
Primary Health Care Center Brinken
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Centrum
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Norr
Primary Health Care Center Cityhälsan Söder
Primary Health Care Center Ekholmen
Primary Health Care Center Finspång
Primary Health Care Center Kisa
Primary Health Care Center Kolmården
Primary Health Care Center Kungsgatan
Primary Health Care Center Kärna
Primary Health Care Center Lambohov
Primary Health Care Center Linghem
Primary Health Care Center Ljungsbro
Primary Health Care Center Lyckorna
Primary Health Care Center Mantorp
Primary Health Care Center Marieberg
Primary Health Care Center Mjölby
Primary Health Care Center Nygatan
Primary Health Care Center Ryd
Primary Health Care Center Skäggetorp
Primary Health Care Center Skänninge
Primary Health Care Center Skärblacka
Primary Health Care Center Tannefors
Primary Health Care Center Vadstena
Primary Health Care Center Valdemarsvik
Primary Health Care Center Valla
Primary Health Care Center Vikbolandet
Primary Health Care Center Åby
Primary Health Care Center Åtvidaberg
Primary Health Care Center Ödeshög
Primary Health Care Center Österbymo
Rehab Finspång
Barn- och ungdomshälsan
Center for Refugee Medicine
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Linköping
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Norrköping
Department of Dependency in Norrköping
Department of Forensic Psychiatry
Operations management PC
Psykiatriska kliniken i Linköping
Psykiatriska kliniken i Motala-Mjölby
Psykiatriska kliniken i Norrköping
Public Dental Health Care
Center for Oral Rehabilitation Linköping
Center for Oral Rehabilitation Norrköping
Center for Orofacial Medicine Linköping
Center for Orofacial Medicine Motala
Center for Orofacial Medicine Norrköping
Center for Orthodontics/Pedodontics Linköping
Center for Orthodontics/Pedodontics Norrköping
Operations management FTV
Public General Dental Health Care
Specialist dentistry in Motala
Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology
Enheten för folkhälsa
Enheten för smittskydd och vårdhygien
Forskningsstrategiska enheten
Hälso- och sjukvårdsenheten
Regional Cancer Center
Regional utveckling
Övr Regionledningskontoret
Choose subject
Show subjects that no longer are in use
Agricultural and Veterinary sciences
Agricultural Biotechnology
Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
Plant Biotechnology
Agricultural Science, Forestry and Fisheries
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science
Food Science
Forest Science
Landscape Architecture
Soil Science
Wood Science
Animal and Dairy Science
Other Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Fish and Wildlife Management
Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
Renewable Bioenergy Research
Veterinary Science
Clinical Science
Medical Bioscience
Other Veterinary Science
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Process Engineering
Corrosion Engineering
Other Chemical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Polymer Technologies
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Building Technologies
Construction Management
Environmental Analysis and Construction Information Technology
Geotechnical Engineering
Infrastructure Engineering
Other Civil Engineering
Transport Systems and Logistics
Water Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Communication Systems
Computer Systems
Control Engineering
Embedded Systems
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Signal Processing
Environmental Biotechnology
Diagnostic Biotechnology
Other Environmental Biotechnology
Water Treatment
Environmental Engineering
Energy Systems
Environmental Management
Geophysical Engineering
Marine Engineering
Mineral and Mine Engineering
Ocean and River Engineering
Other Environmental Engineering
Remote Sensing
Industrial Biotechnology
Bio Materials
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Bioengineering Equipment
Bioprocess Technology
Medical Biotechnology
Other Industrial Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Materials Engineering
Composite Science and Engineering
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Other Materials Engineering
Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics
Other Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Reliability and Maintenance
Tribology (Interacting Surfaces including Friction, Lubrication and Wear)
Vehicle Engineering
Medical Engineering
Medical Equipment Engineering
Medical Ergonomics
Medical Image Processing
Medical Laboratory and Measurements Technologies
Medical Materials
Other Medical Engineering
Nano Technology
Other Engineering and Technologies
Food Engineering
Interaction Technologies
Media Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Humanities and the Arts
Art History
Literary Composition
Performing Art Studies
Performing Arts
Studies on Film
Visual Arts
History and Archaeology
History of Technology
Languages and Literature
General Language Studies and Linguistics
General Literature Studies
Specific Languages
Specific Literatures
Other Humanities
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Cultural Studies
Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
History of Ideas
History of Religions
Religious Studies
Medical and Health Sciences
Basic Medicine
Cell and Molecular Biology
Immunology in the medical area
Medical Genetics
Medicinal Chemistry
Microbiology in the medical area
Other Basic Medicine
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Social and Clinical Pharmacy
Clinical Medicine
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Cancer and Oncology
Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems
Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
General Practice
Infectious Medicine
Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine
Other Clinical Medicine
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
Urology and Nephrology
Health Sciences
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
Medical Ethics
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Occupational Therapy
Other Health Sciences
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
Sport and Fitness Sciences
Substance Abuse
Medical Biotechnology
Biomaterials Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
Medical Biotechnology (with a focus on Cell Biology (including Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
Other Medical Biotechnology
Other Medical Sciences
Forensic Science
Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Behavioral Sciences Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Biological Systematics
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Other Biological Topics
Structural Biology
Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Other Chemistry Topics
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Computer and Information Sciences
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
Computer Engineering
Computer Sciences
Computer Vision and Robotics (Autonomous Systems)
Human Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Language Technology (Computational Linguistics)
Media and Communication Technology
Other Computer and Information Science
Software Engineering
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Climate Research
Environmental Sciences
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Other Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Physical Geography
Algebra and Logic
Computational Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Other Mathematics
Probability Theory and Statistics
Other Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
Condensed Matter Physics
Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
Other Physics Topics
Subatomic Physics
Social Sciences
Economics and Business
Business Administration
Economic History
Educational Sciences
Pedagogical Work
Law (excluding Law and Society)
Law and Society
Media and Communications
Communication Studies
Human Aspects of ICT
Information Studies
Information Systems, Social aspects
Media Studies
Other Social Sciences
Gender Studies
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Work Sciences
Political Science
Globalisation Studies
Political Science (excluding Public Administration Studies and Globalisation Studies)
Public Administration Studies
Applied Psychology
Psychology (excluding Applied Psychology)
Social and Economic Geography
Economic Geography
Human Geography
Social Anthropology
Social Psychology
Social Work
Sociology (excluding Social Work, Social Psychology and Social Anthropology)
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Disaster Medicine
Economic Information Systems
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Programme for Teacher Education, Linköping
Special Education Needs Programme
Special Education Programme
Teacher Education
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